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I added a picture to my 'A Nightmare' chapter, once again done by my friend Sarah, a living goddess. Just in case, I also put it in this one.

After taking a quick shower and scrubbing the girl, Mabel hurried back downstairs to the lab. The kitchen could be cleaned later, she had been hoping for this for weeks! Maybe she could finally talk to this girl!

Ford already had everything set up, a table right in front of the machine with chairs on either side. Mabel and the girl watched as Dipper (now free of batter as well) set up a tape recorder and bottles of water, along with a notepad and pencil.

Finally, the girl sat with her back to the computer while the twins sat across from her with an empty seat for Ford. Mabel kept reaching over to pat her tense hands as Ford picked up the helmet, now modified to be smaller and resemble more of a bike helmet.

"Okay, I'm putting this on you. It's just so we can see something, okay? We're all right here, nothing in this room will hurt you." Ford said kneeling at her side. The girl eyed the helmet, glancing at the twins before nodding nervously.

Ford carefully fit the device onto her head, making sure it was on comfortably before snapping it into place. While the girl watched the wires that lead down the chair to the computer, Ford picked up a remote and activated it. Placing his free hand on the girl's shoulder, he offered a small smile before turning it on.

The big screen crackled to life before flooding with dark green as it booted up. The Pines' watched with baited breath, watching for any signs of activity.

After five minutes, the screen still just showed a dark green with the occasional light green line to show brain activity.

Ford made sure everything was working for sitting down in the last empty seat. Pressing the tape recorder, he slid a cup of water over to the girl before talking.

"I know you can understand our language. I know we say a lot of things you don't know or don't understand, but I'm trying to help you understand. Try thinking of something, anything you want. Picture it clearly in your mind. Can you do that for me?"

The girl looked down at the table, her eyes not focusing on the table. The device on her head let out a quiet whirring, and something slowly started to form on the screen.

Footage of Mabel and Dipper when they first found the kid was displayed.

"Yes!" Mabel grinned. "That's us! That's when we found you!"

Ford wrote something down before taking out a small box. "Very good. Do you know us?"

The girl hesitated before closing her eyes, her fingers tangling with each other.


All three Pines froze at the static filled voice that came out of the computer. It was so sickly it sounded more like a robot.



"That's it." Ford said with a small smile. "Can you try to say my name out loud?"

The girl shook her head.

"...hurts...always hurts..."

"Okay, okay." Ford said quickly. "You don't have to talk. Instead, tell me about yourself. Do you have a name you would like us to call you?"

The voice was slowly losing its static and getting stronger, it's tone lines appearing on the screen.

"What is a name?"

Mabel immediately leaned forward to butt in. "It's what we call each other. My name is Mabel, so people call me Mabel, and his name is Dipper, so I call him Dipper. And he's Great Uncle Ford. You get it?"

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