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Once the girl was done with her food, Mabel put the dishes in the sink before taking her back upstairs.

"Okay, have a seat." She directed before walking to the closet. The girl glanced around before sitting on the edge of the bed, her legs pulled up to her chest and her wide eyes watching Mabel through strands of hair.

Meanwhile, the young woman was shifting through the clothes she had put in the closet. "You're definitely not my size, but there's a few things here that'll work until we get you some new clothes."

She pulled out five different sweaters and a few shorts. "Here you go. Should be good."

After laying the clothes on the ground, Mabel smiled at the girl and gestured. "Pick whichever one you want."

The girl glanced between the clothes and Mabel before reaching to take off the shirt she had now.

"No!" Mabel stepped forward to stop her hands. "You don't get dressed with someone else watching unless you need help. Once you pick something, I'll leave and you get dressed in private."

The girl was clearly confused, her hands still fisting the shirt's fabric. Mabel shook her head. "You shouldn't change in front of people. It's bad."

Looking back at the laid out clothes, the girl finally loosened her hands and turned back to the options.

After staring at each one for five minutes, she pointed at the one on the far left.

Mabel couldn't help laughing. "That's perfect! I wore this when I was your age, it was one of my favorites."

She picked up the pink shooting star sweater and placed it on the bed along with a pair of tan cargo shorts.

"Okay, so when I leave, you get dressed and then knock when you're ready. I'll be right outside if you need anything."

With that, Mabel gave one more warm smile before leaving, closing the door behind her.

The organi- Mabel said I had to change these clothing. I saw one that looked pretty, and she said I could wear it. I haven't seen my dress since I took it off. My dad would be furious if he saw I wasn't wearing it. Did they take it?

But they wanted me to change into these clothes now, so I should do what they say. Maybe if I'm obedient, they won't give me back to my dad.

I take off the things I'm wearing now, though the white wraps are weird and uncomfortable. The silver thing on my finger also makes things hard, but that older male organic told me to keep them on. I then pick up the thing Mabel called a 'sweater'. It had a shape on the front that looked familiar. I think I've seen it before.

The 'sweater' felt nice, like that thing I lay down on when everything does dark. I couldn't help rubbing it against my cheeks, it felt nice and warm. It fit over my head and on my body, though the cloth covered my hands too. The bottoms were like the ones I wore before.

Mabel said to knock on the door when I was done, so I hit my hand against the hard surface. It opened and the female came in again, smiling like she usually does.

"It looks great! Though the sleeves are a bit long, hold on."

I flinch lightly when she takes my arm, and stood still as she roles up the cloth until my hand is visible again, doing the same with the other one.

"There, that should be easier." Mabel said, smiling again. "So, I think you've been cooped up in this house for too long. Why don't we get some fresh air?"

I couldn't understand what she was saying exactly, but she took my hand again and led me down the steps. The other female, the one with hair more like mine, was typing on a thin black box.
"Pacifica, we're gonna go outside. You wanna come?" Mabel asked the other woman.

Pacifica looked up from her laptop. "No. Your brother and uncle are still in the lab, and I wanted to ask them a few questions later."

Mabel shrugged. "Okay. We'll be right outside."

Still gently holding the girl's hand, Mabel led her through the gift shop to the door, pushing it open with one arm.


Dipper handed the tool down to Ford. The older man was underneath the mind machine, fixing the gears and replacing it with the items he got from McGucket.

"Are we really going to hook her up to this? What if it doesn't work?" Dipper asked.

Ford pushed himself back out and sat up. "I'm not going to put her through revisiting her worst memories. We're just going to try and see her surface thoughts. Then maybe we can finally figure out a way to communicate with her or even get her to start talking."

The scientist walked back over to the computers, feeling Dipper watch him walk away. He plugged a wire into the keyboard and watched it flicker before humming back to life. A single dot appeared on the screen with words 'type demand' next to it.

"It's working again! Amazing!" Dipper smiled. Ford nodded in approval before turning back to the machine. On the keypad in the front he type in a few numbers and the big screen turned on as well.

"We're connected. It works."

Happy early Christmas! And holidays!

As always, if anyone has any ideas they want to see put into the story, I'm open to anything.

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