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Dipper jerked awake, groaning as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. His face had been pressed into the counter in the lab, having fallen asleep sometime around 1 in the morning. Looking around, Dipper saw Ford also passed out in his chair, his glasses just barely hanging onto his face.

Still half asleep, Dipper walked to the elevator and rode it up to the vending machine. He found Pacifica asleep on the couch, a blanket lazily thrown over her. Stan was probably asleep in his room, since it was only 8 in the morning.

Walking up the stairs, Dipper stopped by his and Mabel's room to grab some fresh clothes. And by fresh clothes, I mean smelling old clothes from his laundry and determining which one smelled the least.

His decision made, Dipper turned back to leave only to flinch in surprise. The girl was awake and watching him again.

"Um, hi." He hesitated, giving a small smile. "Just grabbing some fresh clothes. Sorry if I woke you."

But as he said that, he noticed the dark circles under her eyes and space look she gave him. Something told him she didn't sleep much, if at all last night.

"Okay, well just let me get dressed, and then we could go downstairs and grab something to eat. I know I'm not good at making food like Mabel, but I can-"

He cut himself off when the girl slowly stood up from the bed and took a hesitant step towards him. His body went ramrod straight, staying completely still as she actually walked up to him, her eyes staring at his face.

"Um, are you okay?" He asked as her hand raised up slightly. She froze at the sound of his voice, hesitating as she stared into his eyes. Dipper stayed still, not wanting to discourage her if she wanted to do something.

Finally, her hand moved again up to his face. He tried very hard to stay still until he felt her finger touch his forehead. He then felt it trace along his birthmark, making him realize she must've seen it under his hair since he didn't have his hat on.

"Oh, uh, that's just a birthmark. You know, a mark on your skin. Lots of people have them, but mine is more noticeable."

The girl's face seemed to show interest and confusion. Her eyes flickered to his and then down, her other hand with the finger splint reaching up to touch her chest. Dipper could see the bandage lines underneath.

The girl pressed her hand to them and then pointed at his birthmark. Dipper shook his head.

"No, they're not the same. My mark is just something I've had since birth. It's doesn't hurt me. Your marks hurt, right? That's bad. You're not supposed to do that to other people."

He slowly took her finger off his forehead with one hand, gently pushing it back down. His other hand reached out and pointed to her chest, ignoring the small flinch she gave at that.

"That's not good. You shouldn't ever have marks like that. Yours will heal, and they won't hurt anymore. You just have to give it time."

The girl stared into his eyes, and Dipper could've sworn he saw understanding flicker in them.

"We should also change those bandages. We can do that after breakfast. Why don't you go downstairs and wait for me? I'll be right down."

The girl glanced at the door and back at him. Dipper made the motion to go ahead. She then slowly started walking towards the stairs, glancing back for an encouraging nod.

Once she was gone, Dipper exhaled. His own hand absentmindedly reached up to touch his birthmark, brushing his hair over it.

A noise made him turn and see Mabel staring at him from her bed, sporting a bad case of bed head and a shocked happy expression on her face.

"Wow! Did you see that?" She exclaimed, standing up.

"Yeah, I was standing right here, dummy." Dipper said in mild confusion at her excitement.

"Don't you get it, Dip? She walked right up to you and tried to talk to you! That means she's getting used to us."

Dipper did consider that, but he outwardly shrugged. "She just wanted to see my birthmark. That doesn't really mean she's getting used to us."

Mabel shook her head. "She is seeing that we are similar in a few ways. And she feels safe enough now to question things. This is a big step, bro bro."

Dipper could see his sister was very excited, and gave her a smile. "Well, that's good then. Now please let me get dressed."

Mabel nodded. "Oh! I'll go think of what to have for breakfast!" With that, the energetic young woman went sprinting out the door and to the stairs, her brother laughing quietly as he closed the door.

Mabel stopped her mad dash when she reached the bottom of the stairs. She saw the girl sitting at the table and smiled at her.

"Good morning. Sleep well?" Expecting the silence that answered, she walked past her into the kitchen to take stock of their options. Her answer came in two boxes of powdered and chocolate doughnuts. She also found a box of pop-tarts, s'mores flavored.

Humming to herself, Mabel sorted the doughnuts onto plates and put four pop-tarts in the toaster. As she did this, Pacifica walked in with her hair pulled back in a messy ponytail.

"Good morning." Mabel greeted. "How was-"

"No talking until I have my coffee, Mabel. Then I'll be nice to you."

Mabel wisely stayed quiet as the other girl turned on the coffee maker she brought with her yesterday. Leaving her to her devices, she picked up the doughnut plates and pop-tarts to bring over to the table.

The girl watched as she set them down and spread out other plates for the others. She then put two doughnuts and a pop-tart on one to give to her.

"Here you go. Try starting slow today, so you don't fill up on breakfast." Mabel said with a smile. She got a tiny one back before she left to pour some juice for herself.

Meanwhile, Stan walked down the stairs in his usual undershirt and shorts. He was also half asleep, but he was awake enough to notice the girl watching him.

He smirked. "Hey, kid. You don't seem like a morning person either." He said, taking note of her dark circles under the eyes. He sat down opposite her and grabbed a doughnut before opening the paper he didn't get to read yesterday.

The girl stared at him until it was clear he wasn't going to do anything else for a while. Looking down, she pinched a doughnut with two fingers and brought it to her face, loose powder falling back onto the plate. Smelling the food, she bit into it, surprised at how soft it was as her teeth sunk into it. Then she slowly chewed, trying to decipher the taste like with other foods.

Finally, she determined it was good and ate the rest of the doughnut in two bites.

Stan briefly glanced at her over the paper and smirked. "Enjoy, kid."

With that, the young girl started her breakfast while the older man read, both lapsing into a comfortable silence.

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