Chemistry and Mechanics

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Pacifica Northwest stared at the Pines family with a mildly surprised expression. "Hey, dorks. It's been a while."

The girl had changed drastically since the last time the twins saw her. Gone was the shallow bleach blonde valley girl stereotype who always wore designer clothes. Instead what stood before them was a young woman wearing a lab coat with a t-shirt and shorts underneath. Her hair darkened considerably, still blonde but more of a dirty blonde now, and was pulled back in a messy bun with some strands sticking loose. A pair of lab goggles hung around her neck. Her face seemed free of make up for once, though she still wore expensive looking earrings. The arm that wasn't resting against the door held a messy notebook.

Dipper and Mable were still staring, so Ford took over talking.

"Hello. I would like to talk to Fiddleford McGucket? He said we could go to his lab."

Pacifica studied each one of them briefly before pushing the door wider. "I'll show you the way. Don't touch anything."

Ford stepped in, the twins following like shocked zombies.

The mansion looked smaller than the last time they were there, though that could just be because of the piles upon piles of stuff all over the place. There seemed to be some order, small dividers separating tables and objects, but that was about where it ended. Some seemed to be in the field of chemistry, others were ticking and noisy machines, there was even a car tucked into the corner.

Pacifica dumped the notebook she held on the table closest, which had a collection of test tubes and beakers full of what looked like green slime and purple laundry detergent, only it was steaming and bubbly.

"You see that hallway? You go down it and stop at the door marked 'Lab 1'. He should still be in there."

Ford nodded his thanks before turning to the twins. "Kids, I think it's best you wait here. I'll be back soon, hopefully with the equipment needed to rebuild the machine."

Dipper nodded, Mabel still staring at Pacifica, who shot her a small glare. Convinced, Ford turned and walked down the directed hallway.

"Like I said before, don't touch anything unless I tell you to." Pacifica said before turning on a heel and walking over to one of the other tables, one with machine parts cluttered all over the surface.

Mabel finally got out of her catatonic state and trailed behind behind the other young woman. ""

"You clearly haven't changed, Mabel." Pacifica sighed as she slipped her goggles back on, tossing a spare set to Mabel. "Wear those if you're gonna stick around."

Mabel did so, stepping closer to the girl. "What happened to you, Pacifica? Why are you here?"

Pacifica glanced at her as she picked up a pair of tongs. "I work here. I also live in the upper floor."

She slowly picked up a piece of metal and held it over a lot Bunsen burner. Mabel absentmindedly watched.

"That doesn't answer my first question. Why are you back here? I thought your family had to sell this place."

Pacifica ignored her until the metal turned bright red and dropped it in a beaker full of a clear liquid.

"We did. My parents moved to Hawaii three years ago. They bought a resort there and keep the whole place to themselves."

Dipper also walked over, getting hit in the face by another set of goggles, which he slipped on. "Why'd you come back here?"

Pacifica didn't take her eyes off the beaker as the metal inside slowly disintegrated, a bubbly layer forming on the liquid surface. "I never left. They did not take me with them."

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