Poppy fields

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"Are you a good witch or a bad witch?"

This thing was far more bizarre than the last 'movie' I have seen. There was a female organic who lacked any color in her world. Was it a different world? The one I'm in is already strange, so what would that one be like?

But then this big thing came and blew the girl's building right into the air. I was so scared, waiting for it to smash apart. I didn't realize the female organic (Mabel, she told me to call her Mabel) had taken my hand until after the scene.

Then everything was quiet, and the girl stepped into a world of color like the one I was in. I couldn't help being amazed by the brightness and beauty of that world.

I heard a yawn, and saw the other female leaning back and shifting. I knew that meant she was getting tired, and soon her eyes would close until the sky got lighter. One look at Mabel showed that she was also getting tired.

A little while later, I felt my eyes start to grow heavy. Fear gripped me when I realized I was also growing tired. My hand went to my arm and dug into the side, not stopping until it drew blood. But the sting made my eyes widen and I couldn't feel the sleep anymore.

"Hey, why'd you do that?" Suddenly Mabel was up, now fully awake as she took my arm, me only flinching a tiny bit. Her hand picked up the bottom of her shirt and she rubbed at my arm, wiping the blood away.

"Well, it was just a small nick, so you're good. But don't do that, okay? You're not supposed to hurt yourself."

I tilted my head. But that was what kept me awake. And as long as I'm awake, he can't visit me at night.

He can't make me do things.


My eyes were so heavy. I laid on my side in my room, fresh blood dripping sideways down my face from the gaping slash by my ear. The pain kept me awake so far, but now I could feel my eyes taking longer to open.

'No...don't want to...'

I knew I fell asleep when I wasn't in the cell anymore. Now I was in a big field of dirt. I was standing upright, and could feel his eye on me.

"Welcome to your sweet dream, little bug. And I want to see you...dance."

My arms jerked up on their own, my legs forced to move. I heard my dad cackle.

"I once heard of this demon who, as punishment, was forced to dance in red hot shoes until she collapsed. I saved that story, knowing I would want to try that someday. And now I have the perfect subject."

I screamed as searing heat tore through my feet. I looked down to see metal shoes clamped around my feet, their surface red and white with heat and bolts screwed in the sides. I could already feel my skin melting to them.

"If you can get them off, maybe I'll leave you alone for the night."

I paused at that. My arms couldn't move from their position and my legs jerked and trembled from the pain. Tears already streamed down my face as I tried desperately to jerk my body free. Maybe for once my dad was telling the truth, he liked making deals.

"Ah, the perfect night movie. You better get those shoes off soon, my dear, or the bones will be next to go."

My feet tried wedging the shoes off of each other, each movement making my vision flash with pain. My flesh in them were practically catching on fire. Even if my arms could move, I wouldn't have been able to grab them and pull. But no matter what, they stayed clamped over my feet.

Minute by minute, the shoes grew hotter until I couldn't even scream. Burning heat ripped to my bones, traveling as high as my knees. But still on I tried desperately to get them off.

Finally, I heard him again.

"Whoa, you're still going? I left for a while there, but I'm glad to find this to return to. Unfortunately, it's time to start the day. So wake up!"

His last two words were screeched and I was pulled out.

I woke up on the floor of my cell, seeing light coming through the small window. As soon as I moved, severing pain came from my legs.

Looking down, I gasped at the sorry sight before me. My feet were practically all gone, nothing but charred and melted flesh mixed with bone. I could still feel the ghost heat.

Then the door opened.

My dad flashed a wide grin. "Good morning, sweetie!"


I shook my head and stared at the moving box. Can't fall asleep. Can't ever fall asleep.

They were watching the poppy field scene when Mabel checked her watch. 12:05, no wonder she was feeling drowsy. One glance at Pacifica said she was also nodding in and out.

But the girl was still sitting straight, her eyes staring at the tv screen.

Mabel straightened slightly. "Hey. You okay?"

All she got was a glance. "You can go to bed if you want. I'll pause it, and we can watch the rest tomorrow."

Expecting the silence, Mabel paused the film and took the girl's hand. She didn't resist as she helped her up, Pacifica now lying completely on the couch, and both walked upstairs.

Dipper was still down in the lab with Ford, so Mabel put her in his bed for the night. She pulled the blanket over the girl, smiling at her.

"G'night. I'll be right here, so just let me know if you need anything."

Yawning, the young woman quickly changed into a night shirt and climbed into her bed, turning off the light. She turned to her side, ready to fall asleep.

Instead she caught the yellow eyes of the girl staring at her.

Mabel shifted, relaxing into the mattress. "Well, good night."

She closed her eyes, and was asleep in ten minutes.

The girl, on the other hand, was not so lucky. Her eyes shifted to the ceiling, practically unblinking as she tried desperately to keep her eyes open. It was her nightly ritual. As long as she didn't fall asleep.

It was her only time she could be free of him.

Well, that got dark, even for me.

Sorry for the long wait. Enjoy!

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