Forming Plans

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Bill scanned the countless screens that shown in front of him. His hands were folded behind his back and he lightly paced as he watched each one. Some showed the Pines' world, others showed other worlds and dimensions, and still others were just footage of his own world.

The Dream Demon was annoyed. And when he was annoyed, nothing brought him greater satisfaction than destroying something. But since his prized outlet of pain was gone, he had laid waste to the landscape around his castle. Even now, everything within a mile in every direction was charred and burnt to the ground.

Bill let a few blue flames dance across his hand as he held it up to his face. He had always loved destruction, but when he discovered fire, it had become his favorite. The way it completely twisted and melted anything it touched, doing just what he wanted.

A movement caught his eye, flickering over to one of the small screens. His eye narrowed when he saw Mabel Pines leaving the shack...

And his girl holding her hand.

Snarling, the demon king stepped closer and watched the screen with enough intensity to burn a hole through it. He watched as they both left the porch and stood on the grass, just a few feet away from the cursed unicorn spell barrier. His eye flashed as he focused on his girl.

What did she do with her dress? He glared as he noticed she was wearing the female twin's sweater with that stupid shooting star on it. She had no business wearing a symbol of his enemies. And who dared cover his art with bandages. Her lovely cuts and bruises hidden by medical strips. No, he hated that.

"Oh, what are they doing to you?" He mumbled to himself as he glared at the frozen image of the girl. "I did not spare you just to have you take all that I've earned away from me. No, my dear, I will not let you get away from me. I was merciful before, but I will not be now if you cross me."

Turning, the screens vanished in smoke as he walked over to a large window to show the portal remains field. Just like before, the weirdness was radiating through the very air.

"It's not enough, though. I need more power." Bill growled, his hands on the ledge clenching the stone and forming cracks as his head lowered. "I need power equivalent to that little rift. I just need stronger..."

Slowly, his head lifted as a thought occurred to him.

"Just how did you get to that world, girl?"

Straightening, he called for his henchmaniacs. Once they were all nervously awaiting, he paced in front of them.

"Now, can someone explain to me just how my little toy managed to escape you powerful demons, since it apparently did not cross anyone's mind to tell me of those details."

The demons practically trembled at the sheer power emanating from their boss. After a few minutes of waiting silence, Keyhole spoke up.

"She was running, sir, and she ran to the field. Uh, then her body started to glow, like you do kinda. Then there was a loud noise, and she was gone."

Bill was deadly silent as he listened to the demon, his face set in a look of indifference. If it weren't for the blue flames flickering around his hands, he would been completely still for the minute or two after Keyhole was done.

But then he spun around and walked off, leaving his henchmaniacs alive for the time being.

The door to his pet's cell blew off its hinges with the force he sent to open it. Leaving smoldering footsteps, he walked in and immediately focused on the chains attached to the wall leading down to the floor. Lifting a hand, he levitated one of the shackles up to his face, his piercing eye studying the dried blood on the metal.

Grasping it in his hand, Bill brought it closer. He smelled the dry liquid, fingering it between his fingers. As a last test, his tongue slid out and he dragged it along the bloodied metal.

It tasted different than before. He hadn't sampled her blood in so long, he hadn't noticed. It tasted...sweeter.


More mature.

Bill's eyes blazed as his hand dented the chain in his grip, a grin he loved sporting spreading across his face. In that small cell, his power radiated off the very walls, causing stone to actually melt and deform. Golden light started scratching out lines into the far wall, first a circle and then going inward.

Soon, he was staring at the same symbols that were used to try and defeat him so long ago.

"And to think they thought it was Sixer and his brother who couldn't make the prophecy work. They forgot one of the symbols."

Bill grinned maniacally. His plan was now coming more into focus. If he played his cards right, he'd finally have everything he ever wanted.

The castle was filled with his insane, dark laughter.

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