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Literally a bunch of short stories that span a few weeks as the twins try to be good teachers.


"Okay, so what do we not show kids who have never seen a movie before?" Ford asked, his arms folded as he glared down at his brother.

"A movie where kids almost die and candy is evil." Stanley grumbled, rolling his eyes.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Mabel was trying to convince the girl that the candy bars in the cabinet was not going to hurt her.


The girl stared at Waddles, who was stretched out under the light coming through the window in the gift shop. He was asleep, occasionally shifting or snorting.

Slowly, the girl walked over and sat next to him, now also in the window light. She felt the warmth covering her body like a blanket, and lied down so her entire body was soaking in the sunlight. She never thought warmth could feel so nice, it made all the tension in her frame release.

As if sensing the person next to him, Waddles turned and his nose buried into her arm. Glancing down at him, the girl slowly shifted a bit closer and relaxed.

Eventually Mabel came into the gift shop looking for her pig only to practically squeal at the sight of the two napping under the window, the girl now resting her head on Waddles' side like a pillow. She took lots of pictures, always careful not to wake either of them up.

Though the girl only lasted a half an hour before waking up from another nightmare, it was still a nice experience. And she wound up spending more time by the shack's windows, seeking out more of that inviting warmth.


Pacifica walked into her room and thought it looked like a massacre. Apparently a certain someone had wandered in and started poking around before finding her makeup kit.

Now the girl sat on the floor with the makeup kit open and her hands and face covered in glitter and powder. She had an eyebrow pencil in hand and was drawing on the wood floor.

"Whoa, hey!" Pacifica immediately hurried forward, taking the pencil out of her hand. "No no, what did you do?!"

She got on her knees and started picking up the opened containers. "You do not use this like that! This is makeup, it only goes on your face! Ugh, this is such a waste!"

She glanced up at the silent girl, and her anger immediately dispersed when she saw the kid was tense and curled up, staring at her with fearful eyes.

"Ok, sorry I yelled." She said as she continued to pick up the lipsticks and eyeliners. "But you do not go through my stuff without asking me first, okay? This stuff only goes on your face, it's meant to make you look prettier. It is not for playing with."

She got all her pieces back in her bag and zipped it shut. The kid watched her, her messy hands rubbing the makeup on her clothes.

"No no, don't do that." Pacifica said, taking her wrist. "Here, let's get that stuff off."

She took the younger girl to the bathroom, grabbing a pack of makeup remover along the way. She directed the girl to sit on the counter, which she did, and took out a wipe.

"This is how you clean this stuff up." She said as she took one of her hands and started wiping it off.

'Thank god for makeup wipes.' Pacifica thought as the makeup easily came off.

After the wipes, she told the girl to wash her face before sending her down to Mabel. She tucked her makeup kit back into her purse, cleaning up any smudges on the floor as well.

She tried to ignore the quick thoughts that said it was cute how the girl acted like a baby and drew crude pictures of the twins and herself on the wooden floor. But she did leave it there, not able to wipe it away just yet.

At least not until Mabel took her myriad of pictures of it.


The girl seemed to show an interest in music when she heard it for the first time on the radio. The twins then decided to introduce her to musical genres and see if she'd like any of them. Ford helped them write out a list and sat her down at the mind machine before turning on Mabel's phone.

She showed absolutely no reaction to the Sev'ral Timez albums Mabel played (despite Ford and Dipper both getting headaches after the tenth song) and squirmed when Dipper tried 'Disco Girl'. Ford was no help, contributing science lectures instead of actual music, which had all three kids dozing off. Then they tried other pop songs, which went over with no reaction except the occasional question.

Finally the girl tilted her head when faint music filtered in from upstairs. Carefully taking the helmet off, she tugged on Mabel's sweater sleeve and pointed up. The older girl understood the signal and took her to the elevator, leaving Ford to listen to his lectures and Dipper slumped over drooling on the table.

Finally appearing in the gift shop, Mabel watched as the girl seemed to follow the sound into the tv room. She looked in to see the kid sitting in front of the tv on the floor, her knees up to her chest as she stared at the screen. Mabel walked over to see it was a cartoon, a movie about a magic lamp or something. It was currently showing one of the song sequences. Mabel turned to see Stan passed out in his chair, his hand over the remote and occasionally pressing a button when he shifted.

But seeing how rapt the girl's attention was on the movie, Mabel was quick to swipe the remote away and joining her on the floor.

After that, Mabel scheduled movie nights with different animated movies for the two of them, making sure all of them were musicals.


Please don't kill me, I know it's been a while, and I'm so sorry. College apparently takes a lot out of you.

So update: I've decided to split this story in two, since I have a whole other story arc I haven't even introduced yet. I'll probably put like one or two more chapters on here, but then I'm starting the second book.

Sorry this wasn't an actual chapter, I just wanted to show the passage of time with a few bits :)

Hope you enjoy, and I'll try to be faster with the next one (I know I've said that before, but I always try)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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