Teachers Pines on the Job!

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"So, to sum up, that's how dream boys vanquished the evil principal and graduated high school!"

Mabel grinned proudly, panting lightly from her long winded lecture.

The girl opposite her tilted her head.

"Why are they called dream boys again? And what's a school?"

Ford, who had his face in his hand during his niece's 'lesson', finally sighed and looked up. "Mabel, I appreciate that you want to help teach her, but maybe we should focus on more...basic lessons?"

Mabel deflated back into her seat, looking thoughtful. "Yeah, that's probably true."

After Ford and the twins decided to help 'teach' the girl how to live normally, Mabel immediately started describing her favorite movies and shows. While Ford appreciated her enthusiasm, he knew their 'student' had absolutely no idea what she was talking about.

"Ooh, I got it!" Mabel suddenly squealed before getting up and sprinting to the elevator. Ford and Dipper stared after her briefly before turning back to the girl, who was studying the papers the older man had laid on the table.

"Okay, now I believe we should start off with what you do know." Ford said. He slid over a piece of paper with the alphabet on it. "Are you aware of what these are?"

The girl looked down at them, the machine showing confusion as she tried to make sense of them.

"Mabel showed me. You put the mark stick on the white thing and it leaves a line. It looks like something after a little while."

"Okay, well that is correct in a way. Yes, this is called writing. These," Ford traced a few of the letters. "Are letters. They make sounds when you say them out loud. And if you combine a few of them, they make words, which is how we communicate."

The machine didn't show any thoughts, Ford trying to think of another way to describe it.

"You hear me right now?" Dipper said, the girl turning to him and nodding. "I'm saying words. You say them too whenever you think something. You use words to talk to people, say how you feel, what you're doing. Now, you can also put words down on paper, which is the white squares. You can write what you say."

The girl looked down at the letters again before touching the edge of the paper.

"This is paper?"

Dipper nodded.

"Then what's the stick that makes the marks?"

Dipper saw a pencil off to the side and quickly picked it up to show her. "This is a pencil, it's how we leave marks on the paper. On the other end is an eraser, which is how you can take back the marks if you don't want them there anymore. There's also pens, but you can't take those marks back once you put them down. There's also crayons, they leave colorful marks."

The girl listened with rapt attention, a nervous finger slowly reaching out to brush against the pencil Dipper held. He let her cautiously take it, inspecting it from all sides. Then she put it down on the paper and started dragging it back and forth, leaving scribbles as she went.

Slowly, she held it tighter and leaned forward, watching the lines she left behind.

"It's beautiful."

Both Dipper and Ford couldn't help chuckling quietly at that. Dipper leaned a bit closer. "If you want, I can't get you some markers next time I go to town. They'd look even more beautiful."

The girl glanced up at him, nodding cutely before looking back down at the paper.

"Okay!" All three looked up as Mabel came bursting in with a bin and easel. "I brought all sorts of crafts and some baby books I had for...no reason. Anyway, these should be a good start!"

The girl watched as the woman came in, a small line of comfort going across the screen.


Bill grinned at his work. It didn't look too bad, if he said so himself.

In the fields stood a near exact replica of Stanford's original portal, the only difference being this one was ten times bigger. Nightmare Creatures lay around it in exhaustion, having been working for weeks to get it done as fast as possible. Some of them were even dying from exhaustion.

But Bill couldn't care less about them. Weirdness continued to evaporate out of the very ground, and his eye shut briefly as he inhaled it, sighing in bliss. So lovely...

It had taken a while to figure out how to rebuild the portal. He spent days in McGucket's mindscape, the flesh bag never knew he was there. His mind might not be nearly as grand as Ford's, but he still remembered building the portal. His old blue prints were also still in an old box in his memories. Bill took it all, and before he left he planted a bit of mania in the hill billy as a thank you, watching with satisfaction as the man holed himself up his home out of desperation and fear. It was also so easy to convince him the phones were broken. He didn't need anyone else suspecting something.

He stared up at his creation, lifting up the chain he had ripped out of the cell wall. His daughter's blood still stained it. His thumb rubbed against it, feeling it rejuvenate any spent energy he might've had a moment ago.

"I'm ready to come, Pines. I just need to move a few more pawns."

I'm calling for help from the readers who have gotten this far. I...am stuck.

I need help. If anyone has anything they want to see put into the story, just let me know. I have a plan for this book (even an idea for a sequel), but I need more filler. So if anyone wants a subplot or characters or anything to be written in, please just let me now. Also, if you want to see the Pines teaching the girl a specific thing or topic.

Thank you for your comments, they fuel my writing😘

Also, so sorry for the wait, I'll try to do better!

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