Good Night

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Mabel pushed the vending machine shut, hearing it click. She switched off her flashlight, and rubbed her temple with one hand. It was now night, and they were both getting tired.

After arriving at Flo's diner, they sat in a booth. As expected, a few customers recognized them and came over to say hi. They each ordered burgers and talked about how the town was doing. The town was still trying to ignore the 'incidents', and now seemed pretty normal. It felt kind of weird not being surrounded by the usual...weirdness.

Mabel walked up the stairs to her room. Dipper was already in his bed, reading a novel.

"So, Soos said the shack would be closed until he got back, so we don't have to worry about cleaning it or anything." She said as she glanced out their window for a second.

"Good. I don't want to sweep the floors for the millionth time." Dipper smirked. Mabel smiled as she climbed into her bed.

"Good night, bro." She said, reaching for the lamp.

"Good night." Dipper said, putting the book down as the light went off.

The world was now quiet, with just the sound of crickets and an occasional animal sound.

I suffered from major writers block when I wrote this, so you don't have to comment on how awful it is. I'll try to do better next time.

— The person with no life who wrote this

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