End of Part One

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Ford didn't move until he felt the girl stop shaking and visibly relax into him. She was small enough that he could easily pick her up like a parent picks up their toddler. He felt her bury her face into his shoulder as he walked back to the shack, Mabel right behind him watching the girl with concern. Dipper and Stan stepped back to let him in.

"Dipper, Mabel and Stanley, come with us downstairs." Was all he said as he passed them. The twins glanced at each other before following him through the living room to the gift shop. Pacifica spared them an apprehensive look as they walked past.

Stanford was quiet as he walked down the stairs to his laboratory. The girl in his arms was also quiet, only letting out an occasional whimper. The twins could see her white knuckled fist grasping onto their grunkle's jacket.

They all crammed into the elevator and rode it to the 2nd floor. Stanford was the first one out and walked right over to the recently fixed mind machine.

"Uh, Great uncle Ford?" Dipper asked as he used his leg to push a stool in front of the machine before carefully placing the girl on it.

As soon as he tried to pull away, the girl tightened her grip on his trench coat, staring up at him with wide fearful eyes. Ford's determined look quickly changed as he gave her a small smile.

"It's okay. You're safe here." He said softly, carefully taking her hands and carefully prying them off his clothes. When the girl whimpered and fidgeted, he put his hand on her shoulder to ground her.

"I want to help you. Please, let me try and help you."

The girl stared up at him, her face still showing fear. Her hand timidly loosened and she hugged her arms close to her body, her frame shaking slightly.

Ford finally turned to address his family again. "Mabel, please keep an eye on her. If she shows the slightest hint of breaking down again, you will let me know."

"W-wait, you're hooking her up to it now?" Dipper hurried forward as Ford picked up the helmet, it's long wires connected to the massive computer screen. "But we haven't tested it yet! We don't know if we did it right!"

Ford didn't answer, instead slipping the helmet over his own head. "I know. Consider me as our first test subject."

"Ford, wait!" Stanley cried, but his twin already turned the machine on. The computer booted up, bathing the room's occupants in a light green. Mabel felt the girl grabbed onto her sweater, and immediately pulled her close to comfort her.

Ford typed into the keyboard, and slowly a very faint voice started to come out of the screen and a very faint picture.

As soon as Mabel recognized the picture, she swiveled the girl's back to the screen so she didn't see the image of Bill Cypher.

Ford muted the words so his thoughts couldn't be heard, but they still appeared on the screen. Most of them raged about how they wanted Cypher to suffer, to kill him with his own hands. Dipper and Mabel were shocked, they had no idea their normally logical uncle could think like that. Stan wasn't that surprised, he knew his brother could get violent when it comes to important things. The image showed other times he saw Bill, some in his triangle form and others as a human.

Suddenly it started crackling. "No, come on..." Ford muttered as he tried to type in another code, but the system was overheating. To prevent it from crashing he pressed the shut down button and took off the helmet.

"It still needs some work before it's working fully. I'll need another power cuplet, and a few red A wires."

He stopped his scientific rambling when he saw the kids and his brother still staring at him.

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