Where are you?

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The last thing I saw were two other organics staring at me before I was pulled into the mindscape. Now everything seemed grey. I was standing in the middle of a field of flames, though it didn't burn against my legs.

"Well, well, well...the little bug has gotten lost."

His voice seemed to come from everywhere. I couldn't tell where he was, and that was even worse then him being right in front of me.

"Where are you this time? Had the forest spat you out in the nightmare desert? Do you need me to save you after being so naughty as to run away?"

A hand landed on my shoulder, and I froze. I shook with fear as he leaned forward, his breath grazing my ear.

"Tell daddy where you are."

He was inside my mind. It burns! I fell to my knees and grasped my head as memories were pulled out and displayed. Me getting hit by that acid stuff, trying to find weirdness energy...

Those two organics finding me....

Then everything stopped. Dad normally continues until I'm screaming and begging for it to stop. Confused, I look over my shoulder and my eyes travel up to his face.

His eyes were wide and his mouth was open in shock, his hands still up from when he ripped his way into my mind.

"No...that's impossible..."

Suddenly his eyes glow red with rage and I'm yanked up by some invisible force, my feet leaving solid ground. The dream world burns and crumbles away until it's just me and him.

"How did you get there?!" He shrieks before bringing his arm down swiftly. His magic forces me down too and I'm slammed into the ground, my nose hitting rock and blood dripping out as I'm pulled back up.

"How did you get there?!" His voice isn't the usual tone. Now it's like hundreds of demonic voices are screaming those words at me. He appears in front of me again, blue fire surrounding both of us.

Both his hands grab my neck, immediately cutting off my air. I'm pressed against his chest, his face inches from mine.

"Tell me how you got there right now, or so help me I will flay the skin off your bones and leave you for my henchmaniacs once its grown back!"

Moments of torture pass my sight, each one I've gone through before and each one worse than the last. I can feel the bruises start to form under his grip, and the heat hurts so much. I try to grab his hands, but something is wrapped around my wrists to keep them down. Things are growing fuzzy on the sides, and the fire grows fiercer.

My dad's eyes never leave mine. They stare right into me with a cold desire for something, but I don't know what.

Suddenly, everything stops and there's silence. My dad actually looks surprised as the fire dies and everything starts to fade.

"No...no! No! No! No! No!" He screeches, and I can just watch as he actually starts to fade away, his grip leaving my neck and allowing me to breath.

"This is not over! I will find you! You're mine, and don't you dare try to forget that! I will find you! I'll always find you!" He yells until he's gone. Now there's nothing. I'm just floating in darkness. The harshness of the nightmares are gone, and everything is still and quiet.

It's just me. I'm alone.

It's like that for a while. I don't know what to do otherwise. But soon there's something. A voice.

A nice, soft voice.

"Hello? Are you okay?"

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