Daddy's Little Girl

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Little warning: This chapter contains child molestation, though it's in a flashback. If that makes you uncomfortable, just skip the thick italic part.

Dipper pulled into the dirt road that led to the Mystery Shack. It was already dark. The back of his car was full of grocery bags containing food and a few items he grabbed from the store. The shack seemed good, in its regular amount of shambles. Clearly, leaving Mabel alone didn't cause the universe to implode.

The young man parked the car and grabbed three bags before heading to the front door. He used a copy of the key he made last time he was here and left the door open as he walked in.

"Mabel! Come help me with the groceries!"

He barely plopped the bags on the counter before his sister came running into the room. "Hey, how is..." he trailed off as his sister ran past him and practically ripped the bags open. She dug through them and, apparently not finding what she was looking for, ran out the door to the car. Her clothes looked slightly messed up, with what looked like dried pancake mix on her sleeves.

"Uh, Mabel? What are you doing?" Dipper asked, following the frenzied girl.

"Can't talk now, bro!" She said quickly as she pulled out a new box of pancake mix and an unopened bottle of syrup. "I'll make something for you later!" She called back as she ran back into the house.

Dipper was left in the quiet, the breeze the only noise. Shrugging, having been used to his sister's activities, Dipper brought the rest of the bags in. He heard sizzling from the kitchen and figured Mabel was making something. Sure enough, she was making three more pancakes, flipping them over with a spatula.

"Oh, are we having breakfast-dinner? I got the Sir Mountyman brand of syrup, I hope that's okay."

"No, we're not having pancakes." Mabel said distractedly as she put the new cakes on a plate. "We can have some of those microwave soup thingies."

"Uh...then why are you making pancakes?" Dipper asked as his sister hurried right past him with the food.

"They're for her. She emptied the only box I had, so I had to wait for you to come home!"

Only understanding half of that, Dipper followed his sister into the living room. The girl sat at the table, licking a plate clean of food scraps. She barely put it down before Mabel took it and put the fresh pancakes down to replace it. The girl glanced up at Mabel, still cautious, and waited until the older girl nodded before shoving pieces of the food into her mouth.

Dipper was still staring when she was finished a minute later, once again cleaning the plate. Mabel went past him, probably to make more, and he trailed behind her.

"How many pancakes has she eaten?"

Mabel put the old plate down by the stove and poured more mix into the frying pan. "Um, well counting the ones she just ate, Uh..." she made a small show of counting her fingers. "Twelve?"

"What?" Dipper asked in amazement. He absentmindedly glanced in the doorway. The girl was still sitting there, now turning her head to look around the room. "Where did she put it all?"

"Beats me." Mabel shrugged, now half out of breath as she made a few more pancakes. "But I couldn't just leave her there still hungry, so I made some more. But after her third plate, I heard her stomach rumbling. At first, I thought she might throw up, but then she just tried to get more crumbs off her plate. So I gave her some more until the box was empty."

Dipper listened in shock. He didn't know any person that could hold down twelve regular size pancakes and still have room for more. "Uh...should I be worried? Like, what if there's something wrong with her? Should we..." he made a hand gesture, hoping his sister got his point.

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