Sleep's good for the soul

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I've been lying on this flat thing for quite a while now. The light outside the glass has dimmed. The substance covering me was very soft and warm, as if it was built for comfort.

I looked up when the door opened. I didn't fall asleep, so I shouldn't be expecting a punishment.

But when has that ever stopped them?

My body tensed as the door opened wider, expecting someone with that evil look in their eyes. Instead, this very odd looking creature came in, it's head down to the floor.

For one thing, it was very small. I don't think I've ever seen something smaller than me other than that creature I tried to get weirdness out of. And it was a strange color, kind of like Pyronica only not as bright or flashy. It moved on tiny little legs that didn't seem to match the body they held up. The thing moved over to a bag with straps on the floor and pulled out a bag with its mouth. There were colorful things inside the clear bag and the creature seemed to want to get it open.

I slowly sat up, reluctantly leaving the soft material. The creature didn't seem to notice me, which was fine on my part. I've learned to be grateful when I wasn't noticed.

My legs moved under me so I sat on my knees. The creature finally looked up and saw me, and I immediately tensed.

But after a few seconds, the thing tilted its head and went back to trying to open the bag.

Now I was just confused. But before I could try to make sense of it, I heard a voice.

"Waddles! Where are you, you bad piggy?"

I barely moved before the female organic came through the door. She looked at me before seeing the creature.

"Oh, naughty boy! Dipper doesn't like you stealing his candy, you know that! And you shouldn't wake people up, it's rude!"

The organic picked the creature up and smiled at me. "Sorry about that. He's a handsome boy, but not the brightest in the bulb." She giggled before putting the creature outside the door and closing it.

She turned back and seemed to pause for a moment before speaking again. "You ever seen a pig before?"

I didn't know how to respond, so I stayed silent. "Ok." She muttered before walking over to me. I tensed again, expecting her to lash out, but instead she sat down on the edge of the flat fluffy thing I was on.

"I hope you had a good nap. Sleep is good for the soul, at least that's what my friend says. But she also puts sugar on her sandwiches, so..."

She looked like she wanted me to answer, but I didn't know what to say back.

"You know, the soul?" The female asked, pointing to the middle of her chest. I followed her movement, still not talking.

Finally, she sighed. "You're a chatty one, huh?"

Suddenly her entire face lit up. "Oh! I almost forgot! I was gonna fix some dinner. I wanted to save the take out menus for some other time, so I'm gonna make my signature breakfast dinner pancakes! How many do you want?"

After waiting a few seconds, she put her hands up. "Ok, I'll give you a modest serving then. Three pancakes with a slather of Sir Syrup! Dipper had better get home soon or we may just eat them all!"

While she continued to talk, my eyes wandered to the glass panel on the wall. I could see the trees outside, and the light was fading even more. It seemed like the sky was darkening too, turning almost black now.

I jerked when I felt something grab my hand, my head whipping around to see the organic. She also flinched, her free hand up.

"Wow, it's okay. Hey, it's okay." Her voice was softer now, like it was earlier. "I'm just going to take you downstairs so we can have dinner."

Her hand left mine. I felt the warmth from her body leave, and I honestly missed it a little. "If you don't want me to touch you, that's fine. But if you need help, just let me know. Ok?"

I stared at her, and she gestured for me to follow her. That seemed to be the safest option, just do what they say and they won't hurt you. So I got to my feet, staying a good distance behind the female. I followed her to the stairs and we walked down them to another room. There was a table there and a light.

I was strapped to a table with metal clamps on my wrists and legs. A metal plate was over my mouth too. My dad seemed to also like muffled screams.

"I don't know just how much of me extends to you." I heard his voice, and sure enough he appeared at my left side. Instead of his favorite yellow suit, he wore an apron. "You have my looks, but what else? What are you like on the inside?"

He put a tray down next to me, and my body started to tremble when I saw the shiny sharp objects on it.

"Do you have the same system as me? How much can you take until you start to cry? Or just pass out?"

He picked up a device with a round top with jagged edges. His hand moved it to right next to my arm, and he smiled at me.

"Luckily, I've got all the time in the world to figure it out."

My hand instinctively went to my other arm, feeling the scar around my arm. I took a step back, fearing that this was another play time.

The female glanced back at me. "What's wrong? You can just sit and wait here, I'll handle everything." She said, pulling out one of the chairs.

I didn't know if this was a trap. Maybe she wanted to give me a sense of security so I wouldn't protest as much when the fun happens. It didn't really matter, even when I fought back it was useless.

Stepping over to the organic, I sat down on the chair. A pain I didn't know was in my legs immediately subsided. The organic smiled at me again and walked away.

"So you just wait right there! I'll go whip us up some cakes!"

She practically skipped into the other room. I glanced around the room I was in. It looked different than my dad's place. There wasn't any torture devices that I recognized, or blood from past play times on the walls. I even recognized another soft chair like the one I was on earlier.

If they planned on hurting me, I hoped they stayed here. I liked this place better then the other places.

At a motel just two hours from Gravity Falls, the truck had stopped for the night. In one of the floor rooms, Stan Pines snored away in the bed, one arm hanging off the side and a bit of drool on the side of his mouth.

Ford sat at the small wobbly table, his new journal out as he wrote a few notes. After his fifth yawn, he couldn't deny his exhaustion and put the pencil down.

He got up to go to bed, leaving his journal open on the table.

On one page was a crude drawings of a young girl with long hair and a yellow dress with black tights.

Bam! Another update! Special thanks to people who comment and keep me going!

Love you all,

P.S. This is what I imagine Mabel's friend would look like⬇️

 This is what I imagine Mabel's friend would look like⬇️

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Yes, that's Alice from The Breakfast Club.

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