Calling the Grunkles

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"Oh man, oh man, oh man! This is crazy, we have to do something! Oh, where's a journal when you need one?!"

Dipper was cautious and panicky about the now unconscious girl who had eyes that looked just like the dream demon, but Mabel couldn't help stepping closer. While her brother babbled nervously, she knelt down next to the girl and gently turn her over.

Strands of her blond hair clung to her face and bits of grass were on her ripped dress. Mabel brushed the hair away from her face to see a somewhat calm expression.

"Who are you?" She couldn't help muttering.

Having taken a few courses of Early Childhood Education back in High School, she grabbed one of her skinny arms and pressed two fingers against her wrist, trying to find a pulse.

She was shocked to feel the bone almost directly against the skin, as if there was no flesh between it. She gently took off the black glove on her hand to see two of the fingers bent in unnatural positions, obviously broken. And bruises ranging from deep purple to pale yellow lined her arm, including scratches that seemed to be the outline of fingers.

Immediately feeling pity for the poor girl, Mabel knelt down and put her hand by her mouth. She was thankful to feel a faint breath against it and started to carefully work her arm under the girl.

"Mabel! What do you think you're doing?!" Dipper squawked, snapping out of his panic to see his sister trying to pick up the girl.

"She's hurt, Dip. We need to get her some help or she could get worse." The other twin said, now having both her arms under the girl's back and knees. Dipper hurried over and helped her stand up, the girl bridal-style in her arms.

"But she's obviously something like Bill! She could be here to kill us! How can we trust her?"

"I don't know, Dipper. What I do know is that she needs help, and I'm going to help her."

With that, Mabel turned and headed back to town, careful not to jostle the girl too much. She could feel the girl's bone, it was like she had no nourishment whatsoever. Even worse, she was a child. She looked to be about 11 or 12, like the twins when they first came here.

Dipper stood there for a moment, his brain battling itself. The logical side told him to not bring the girl anywhere and tell the police, despite the stupid 'never mind all that' rule. But the other side told him that she was clearly hurt, and she was a living thing who deserved help.

"Ah, can't believe I'm doing this." He muttered before jogging after his sister.

They got back to Dipper's car and Mabel laid the girl out in the backseat, trying to make her as comfortable as possible. She even took off her sweater and laid it over her, like a blanket. Both twins then got in the front and headed straight for the Mystery Shack.

Once they got there, Dipper told Mabel to go inside and set up the couch. He carefully took the girl into his arms and closed the door behind him before walking up to the shack.

Just as he was five feet from the door, he suddenly stopped when he heard a faint sound. Unable to tell what it was, he turned around to see where it came from. But he didn't see anything. He could see a faint glow in his peripheral vision, and looked down to see the girl's eyes were open. Only they were two bright lights now, and they didn't seem to see anything.

Dipper faltered slightly and took a step back towards the Mystery Shack, unknowingly crossing a magical line.

The girl's eyes slowly faded until they were closed again, and the noise was silent. Dipper scanned the area one last time before walking inside the Shack.

Mabel cleaned the couch of debris and soon her brother walked in, placing the girl down on the couch. "Ok, so there should still be a basic First Aid kit that Grunkle Stan kept since he didn't trust doctors. Try his room and then ours. I'll get some water and call Great Uncle Ford."

"Will you be able to reach them? Aren't they somewhere in the ocean?" Mabel asked, tucking a pillow under the girl's head.

"Satellite phone. Zoos had one to ask Grunkle Stan about Shack tips."

Mabel nodded and darted upstairs while Dipper went into the kitchen/tv room. Sure enough, a satellite phone was tucked in the corner of the counter. He grabbed it and started dialing the number taped on the side.

After a moment of static, he heard a familiar voice.

"Soos, for the last time, if the raccoons come back, just bribe them with leftovers! The garbage cans go near the woods for a reason!"

"Grunkle Stan?" Dipper asked.

The line was quiet for a few seconds before the older man spoke. "Dipper? What are you doing on the satellite phone, kid?"

"Well, we came to the Shack to spend the summer while Soos went on a vacation with Melody. He's taking really good care of the place."

"Yeah, I wouldn't expect less from him. I'm pretty sure he sleeps there more than he does at home."

Dipper laughed at that before remembering why he called. "But I'm calling you know because we found something weird today."

"That's not really specific, kid. Here, let me put you on with Ford, he's better at classifying weirdness."

There was a minute of static and shuffling noises before the other great uncle was talking. "Greetings, Dipper. Now, what made you call us so suddenly?"

"Well, Great Uncle Ford, we were going to the diner when Lazy Susan said she saw something last night; a girl with yellow eyes. Me and Mabel went out to look for her and found her in the woods. Her eyes...they were like Bills. She looked really beat up."

There was silence on the other end, and Dipper had to check to make sure the signal was still strong.

"Dipper," Ford spoke again, and this time he sounded serious. "Listen to me very carefully. Are you and her in the Mystery Shack?"


"Lock all the doors and windows. See to the girl's injuries and make sure she isn't spasming or jerking around. Take her down to my lab and go to the cupboard. There should be a container with purple liquid labeled 'Weirdness essence'. You're going to feed that to her, whether by cup or tube. Me and Stanley are heading back right now, we should be there in two days. If the girl wakes up, do not let her leave the property or even the lab."

"What?" Dipper had no idea what scared his uncle so much. "But-"

"Just do it, Dipper! We'll be there soon!"

He heard the hang up sound, and a voice saying the call was shut off. Putting it down, he heard Mabel speaking.

"Hello? Are you okay?"

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