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Lazy Susan took out her keys to her restaurant, ready to open up for the day. She turned on the stoves and got ready to make the breakfast menu.

She was just about to make her signature coffee omelet when she heard a trash can tip over outside.

Looking out the window, her one good eye widened at the sight she saw. A young girl was standing outside next to a fallen garbage can. She had on a ripped dress and light blond hair that fell all the way down to her hips. She was just standing there, staring at the street.

Susan slowly opened the door and stepped out. "Hello?" She asked, her coffee pitcher still in her hand.

The girl whipped around to look at her, and she saw yellow eyes with cat-like slits for pupils.

Gravity Falls woke up that morning to Susan screaming.

Dipper woke up on the coach on the lower level of the Mystery Shack. He had fallen asleep watching the vending machine last night, having convinced Mabel to go back to bed. His flashlight was still held to his chest.

"Bro! Wake up, you're starting to look like a not hot vampire!" Dipper looked up to see his sister at the end of the stairs, her hair pulled back into a ponytail. "Come on, let's go grab a bite at the diner. I know there are some pancakes with our names on them!"

Dipper smiled as he got up. His sister still acted like such a child sometimes. They had used his car to get here, and it was still parked outside. It took them a good couple minutes to drive into town, occasionally pointing out any familiar faces. The entire place hadn't seemed to change that much in the past eight years, except the used-to-be teenagers that now worked in the stores. Mabel pointed out that they didn't see Wendy, but Dipper remembered that she probably went into her family's business so they wouldn't find her in town.

They were turning the corner to Susan's diner when Dipper stopped. They both saw a cop car outside the diner and a small crowd near the door.

"What the hey?" Mabel said as they drove a little closer before parking and getting out. Through the crowd, they could see police tape around a garbage can and Lazy Susan talking to an older Deputy Durland, who seemed to be writing stuff down. Mabel was able to hear what she was saying over the murmurs of the crowd.

"And those eyes! They were awful! Yellow and slitted, like my cats! I screamed, and they ran away into the woods, not looking back at all."

Mabel looked in the direction the woman to gesturing to and could see the tall pine trees that surrounded the town.

Soon the crowd started leaving, muttering "never mind all that." as they left. Dipper remembered that Mayor Taylor had instituted a rule not to pay attention to any weird activity after Weirdmaggedon. Guess it was still legit.

Mabel pulled Dipper closer. "What do you think, bro? Wanna go solve a mystery?" She whispered.

Dipper glanced at the woods, his eyes traveling down to the ground. There were a trail of muddy footprints in the grass that led to the trees.

"I don't know. Didn't we come here to relax before going back to school?" He asked quietly.

Mabel just smirked. "Isn't this your definition of relaxing?"

Dipper then smiled. "Good point." He said, bringing his fist up. Both bumped them together before walking into the woods, Dipper locking the car as they did so.

The organic reeked of fear. It came off it in waves when it looked at me. And then it screamed before throwing the item it had in its hands at me. It must've been a weapon of some kind, because it released some sort of scalding liquid when it cracked. It reminded me of the acid my dad used to drip on my face before licking it off with his tongue.

I turned and ran, hearing the thing continue to scream behind me. I ran into the trees, the only place that seemed to be safe around here. I didn't want to stay, so I kept going. Somehow the further I went into the woods, the weirdness levels were higher. My hands started glowing blue, which meant I was near a source of weird energy. That was good, I think.

My dad sighed as I tried pulling my wrists free of the chains. He had just broken my legs and was now waiting for them to grow back so he could break them again. I hadn't become numb to the pain yet, so I still sobbed heavily.

I hiccuped when a black hand reached under my chin and lifted my head up. My dad was looking at me with a smile.

"I remember when I used to feed you weird energy straight from a creature to make you stronger. You were so weak, you could barely stay conscious for most of the day. And now look at you!"

He suddenly cackled and grabbed my throat, squeezing it harshly. Things were starting to get fuzzy when I heard him lean over against my ear.

"You're still so pathetic."

Yes, weird energy was supposed to be good. I knew I was close to a source, so I just tried to follow it.

"We should've asked Lazy Susan for a description." Dipper said as the twins trekked through the woods. Mabel was inspecting a tree, her face trying to look serious.

"Well, maybe we just wait for them to come to us." She suggested, picking a lint ball off her sweater. Dipper was about to ask how that would work when they heard a faint yell. Glancing at each other, they both took off in that direction.

What they found was not what they expected.

There was a gnome being chased by a girl. The tiny creature was screaming as it tried to climb a tree but was grabbed by the girl. It was then turned upside down and sideways as the girl inspected it, as if looking for something.

"Uh...hello?" Mabel called. "You know gnomes aren't as cute and friendly as they appear, right?" As she spoke she stepped out, Dipper close behind.

The girl glanced up at them, and they saw hauntingly familiar yellow slotted eyes.

Mabel actually shrieked and stepped back. "Bill! It's Bill!" Dipper pulled his sister behind him. "Stay back!" He yelled, trying to sound threatening.

Instead, the girl dropped the gnome and practically fell down in an attempt to back away. She kept going until she hit a tree, her arms going around her legs.

Both twins stared, their expressions showing confusion. They could now see what the girl looked like. She had darkened tan skin, yellow blond hair, twig like limbs and a yellow dress. Whatever shoes she had on were gone, and her skin seemed to be glowing faintly with a yellow gleam. On closer inspection though, they could see yellow and purple bruises lining her arms and legs, and dry blood along the side of the dress. Once the yellow eyes closed for a moment, there was a blackness surrounding one and cuts crossing all over her neck.

"Oh my god." Mabel whispered, a hand going up to her mouth.

The girl seemed to stare at them for a few moments before suddenly freezing. Her face looked terrified before her eyes rolled back and she slumped to the grass, going still.

I know there's depictions of violence and stuff, but I'm getting to the happy things. Trust me, there will be happy parts to make up for the bad parts.

-The Author

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