Long overdue Thank Yous

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The girl stayed in her tucked up position, her eyes briefly widening when the tv turned on to a blue screen as it booted up. When it went to the movies menu, she jolted a little at the music playing.

"Calm down, kid." Stan said, his hand up as he pressed the play button. "It's not going to attack you. You just sit there and you watch it. This is a movie called Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It's good."

The girl glanced at him before looking back at the screen. The screen went to black and then slowly faded to grey. She continued to watch as it seemed to show clouds before showing what looked like a tall tower. Golden lines appeared on the screen in the center, she couldn't tell what they were. Her body automatically tensed as music she didn't hear before suddenly pick up, getting a bit louder while the screen movement got faster. The tower came closer and whatever was seeing this went inside the top, and it then showed a brown substance swirling in a circle as more golden lines appeared in the middle.

Stan glanced at the girl. She was staring at the screen, not looking away once.

A small smile appeared on his mouth. Yep, every kid falls in love with the television at first sight. And he remembered this movie, it was pretty good.


Fiddleford leaned forward on his desk, his hands running though his hair. "My god."

Ford nodded, neither having moved from their seats. "She's at the shack right now. My brother is watching her."

McGucket stood up, one hand readjusting his glasses. "Well, this youngin' was able to make a portal from the nightmare realm to our world. That automatically suggests that she was either in a place of high energy, or she herself was able to create the connection somehow."

Ford stood up as well and followed the other man to the other side of the room where a whiteboard was. Fiddleford immediately started writing down theories and small images.

"She might have a different body structure than us. You told me everything she has done so far?"

At a nod of confirmation, he continued. "She's able to digest our food normally, interesting. When you worked with...him, did you ever see him eat?"

Ford picked up a spare marker. "No. But she also doesn't seem to have her own form of energy, so her body could just be naturally conditioned to accept physical food as well as weirdness essence."

Both nerds continued their talk, slowly filling the whiteboard as they talked about the girl and how they could help her.


Mabel sat on a small couch off the corner of the main room, watching Pacifica move around. Her elbow was on the arm and her hand supported her cheek, which was now slowly loosening.

Dipper, on the other end, was wandering around the room looking at all the devices and tables with interest. He found a complete engine on one table with wires attached to a car battery.

"What's up with all the car parts?"

Pacifica looked over at him. "Most of them have good parts for machines. Also, my parents left five really expensive cars in the garage when they left, and all their parts were well made."

Dipper nodded. He found the notebook Pacifica put down when they first got here and he opened it. Inside were questions and formulas, but what caught his eye was a small folded picture taped under the cover. Carefully taking the corner, he unfolded it.

It was a picture of Pacifica and her parents. He recognized it as the one that used to hang over the fireplace.

Feeling a presence near him, Dipper looked up to see Pacifica next to him. But she wasn't looking at him, instead she was looking at the picture he held open.

Dipper shifted. "Your parents are jerks, okay? I mean, you shouldn't have gone through that. I'm...I'm sorry."

Pacifica tilted her head slightly. "You changed a bit, Dipper. I didn't want them to leave, but at the same time I loved it when they did."

She straightened and held out her hands. "Look at me. Do I look the same as the first time you saw me?"

"Uh..." Dipper hesitated, trying not to look weird despite her asking him to look at her.

Pacifica could tell what he thought though, and dropped her hands to her sides again. "I stopped being what my parents wanted me to be. This is my natural hair color, you were right, it was fake, I'm comfortable in these clothes, and I'm doing something I like. And really, I have you to thank."

"Me?" Dipper asked in confusion.

Pacifica nodded. "That night of the party, you showed me that I have other choices then just following in my family's footsteps. You opened my eyes, Dipper. So...thank you."

Dipper was shocked by her reasoning alone, but when the other girl wrapped her arms around him in a quick hug, he was too surprised to hug back before she pulled away.

"Uh...no problem. I-I'm happy for you."

Pacifica gave a small smile. "So, your sister hasn't changed at all though."

Both glanced at the girl, who was now asleep and drooling on the couch's arm. Dipper chuckled. "Actually, she has changed a bit. We're both in college, different schools though, and she wants to major in Childhood care and teaching."

Pacifica nodded. "Good. I'm happy for you two."

Both young adults shifted a bit awkwardly before going back to their own things.


Mabel was standing in a bright land of rainbows and unicorns. She was smiling and dancing to the 80s song playing.

Suddenly, everything darkened. Mabel stilled as slowly the area surrounding her caught on fire. Gasping, she tried to back away only to be completely circled by the flames. Hugging herself, the young woman screamed as the ground disappeared from under her and she plummeted into darkness.

"Oof!" She groaned when she finally hit ground, groaning at the abrupt stop. Getting to her feet, she rubbed her eyes and looked around only to gasp in horror.

She was right in middle of Weirdmaggedon all over again. Monsters were everywhere, the buildings were burning, some people were on the streets writhing in agony before they disintegrated or were torn apart by creatures.

Mabel trembled, her hand covering her mouth in horror. Suddenly she saw a light flash from behind her and turned around.

There stood Bill Cypher in his human form.

"Hey Shooting Star. Miss me?"


If I'm able to update so often, does that mean I have no life?

Anyway, here's another chapter. Mabel finally faces the person responsible for almost all of the girl's pain.

Charlie and The Chocolate Factory is courtesy of MidnightViolex. Thank you for the suggestion.


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