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After Pacifica finished her coffee, she followed Dipper down to the lab to work on repairing the mind machine. Mabel got her own breakfast and joined her great uncle and their guest at the round table. The girl was licking the white powder off the empty plate, letting Mabel take it so she could put a few more donuts and pop tart on it. Stan was just reading his paper as the two girls enjoyed their breakfast.

Mabel looked up when she heard a small dry cough, and saw the girl coughing into her hand. She straightened slightly and slid her water glass over, waiting until the girl was watching her before talking.

"Drink this, it makes you feel better."

The girl slowly reached over, the glass shaking slightly as she picked it up. Mabel imitated drinking it, and the other tried to copy that. The girl jerked when the cool liquid touched her lips, immediately tilting her head back more to let it fill her mouth. She drained the entire cup, drops of water falling out of the side of her mouth as she drank. When she was done, she lowered and the cup and glanced at Mabel, licking her lips. She actually smiled, though it was small and shy. Mabel immediately noticed, and inwardly grinned with joy.

"Today, we can do whatever you want. Is there anything you want to do?"

The girl looked down, her eyes darting around as if she was thinking. Her hand started picking at her shirt sleeve.

"Hmm, maybe the first thing we should do is get you some new clothes. Come on, we can raid my closet." Mabel smiled and took her hand gently. The girl got up and followed her, stealing one more doughnut before leaving.

Stan briefly watched them go upstairs, chuckling quietly to himself. This was all very deja vu-ish, it felt just like their last summer. He had forgotten just how much he liked hearing so much life in the shack.

Bill growled as he stared at the distorted image before him. It showed that crappy little shack the Pines family lived in. The mere sight of it sent rage up his body, memories forcing themselves into his mind; his eyes being ripped out, his moment of weakness, his humiliating defeat at their hands...

He remembered very clearly what happened when he realized he had failed...

He woke up facedown on the stone floor of his castle. He recognized it instantly. And he also immediately felt the change in the air, the familiar feeling of madness that this realm brought, so unlike earth.

It enraged him

His hands curled into tight fists, his mouth twisting into an ugly snarl. Literal fire blazed in his eye, his eye patch catching on fire and burning away to reveal the same fire in his empty socket. His human form was barely able to contain his maddening energy.

An unholy screech left his mouth as a blast of magic obliterated the entire structure, exploding the building. The stone crumbled and fell, everything breaking and falling. Demons watched in awe as the castle was destroyed. Fiery clouds covered the sky, the ground heating up. A few demons unfortunate enough to be too close to the wreckage screamed they were caught on fire, blue flames consuming them until they were charred husks of bodies.

A mile above the wreckage, Bill floated in the sky. Blue flames consumed his hands, his  face barely seen through the smoke and energy surrounding him. No one below dared even move, lest he set his sights on them.

Far below him, a few pieces of rock shifted in the debris. Bill looked down and watched as a single white hand reached out of the rubble to grasp a rock, trying to pull its owner out.

He landed back on the ground with the force equivalent to a rocket. The very planet trembled as he stepped towards the specific pile of debris, his footsteps leaving burning marks as he walked.

He stopped directly above it, waiting as the child slowly pulled herself out from under the rocks. She apparently did not notice him at first, merely focusing on trying to save herself from the rocks.

She honestly would have been safer if she just stayed under them.

Bill grabbed her by the bicep, forcing her to face him. Her hair had dirt and blood in it, her forehead cut and bleeding. Her legs were also crushed, mangled beyond recognition and broken mercilessly.

The dream demon stared into her eyes. They were wide with fear as she took in his stature, her body trembling in both pain and anxiety. Bill knew she was always afraid, constantly fearing even being in the same room as him. But now, that fear was skyrocketing. He could feel it emanating off of her in waves. She truly thought he was finally going to destroy her.

She would not get that pleasure.

Without hesitation, Bill reeled back his free hand and sent his fist flying across her cheek. The sheer force sent her falling back to the ground. Bill immediately grabbed the front of her dress and brought her back up before punching her again. She fell back down, her body curling in on itself.

"Get up." Bill growled, his rage still not dying down. He knew there were demons watching in the distance, but he could not care less.

The girl didn't move, tiny whimpers audible from her as her arms wrapped around her head as a useless shield of protection.

"I said..." Bill seethed slowly, his left hand changing from blue flames to golden energy. "Stand...up!"

His arm jerked upward, forcing the girl to stand up as well. Her legs could not support her, the energy the only thing keeping her up.

Bill proceeded to punch his daughter countless times. When her cheeks and face finally started to rattle with broken bones, he moved on to her chest and stomach. He screamed as he did so, imagining his enemies in place of her body.





By the time he stopped throwing fists, the girl had gone limp, her head back and her eyes barely open in pain. Blood dripped down her chin and soaking her chest, bruises already forming all over her body.

It only calmed him a little. She would suffer more before he was satisfied. If it took days, months, even years, she will feel his rage. Because she could take it. He knew she could.

He dropped the girl to the ground, savoring the cry of pain. He reached down to grab her arm and promptly wrenched it upward, the sickening loud crack music to his ears. She screamed again, and again as he bent it in three unnatural shapes. He then moved onto the next arm.

The debris was filled with her delicious screams and the sound of his insane cackling.

Bill smirked at the memory. She had been such a good punching bag after his defeat. If not for her, he would've destroyed his whole dimension.

Turning back to the image, he watched as figures moved by the windows of the shack. He couldn't tell if they were his girl, but he knew she was still there. She couldn't go anywhere else without him knowing. And he will know. The second any of them makes the slightest mistake, he will show them the true extent of his powers. And no where, in his dimension or even in hell, will anyone know worse pain.

Happy late Halloween! Hope you had fun! Enjoy the new chapter😊

Daughter of Bill CypherWhere stories live. Discover now