Possible breakthrough

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Picture is a work from my friend Sarah, who also drew the cover art. She is a queen!

Mabel glopped the pancake batter into the pan. She had bought a triple sized batter box and already had two plates piled high with the cakes. Grunkle Stan had offered to help, but past trauma with 'Stancakes' had made Mabel send him off to read the newspaper.

Instead the girl watched the batter spin in the mixer, not really mixing it up well. But Mabel always felt bad seeing her sitting at the table waiting for her, so she decided to make her an assistant.

The girl stood on a stool so she could reach over the counter comfortably. Her hands weakly held the bowl's sides, her eyes watching the batter swirl in fascination. Mabel had insisted on her wearing an apron, though she had to help her tie it at the back. But it still trailed past her knees and almost touched her feet.

"That should be ready in a few seconds, okay? So just unlatch it on the side and bring it over." Mabel said, still flipping her pancakes to make sure they were evenly cooked.

If she was paying more attention, she would have added 'turn it off first.'

The girl slid the bowl down only for the still maxing out beaters to start whipping flecks of batter all over the room. The girl immediately jerked back as bits hit her in the face, splattering across the apron. Her feet tripped off the stool and she fell backwards to the floor.

Mabel whirled around at the noise only to cry out at the quickly getting messier sight. Hurrying forward, she turned off the mixer, gunk of batter dripping down her face and hair. The girl looked worse though when she turned to look at her. The poor thing was covered in batter, the smiling cat on her apron almost completely covered. Drops slid down her face as she stared up at Mabel, shock written on her face.

The two were still for a moment before Mabel licked a batter drop that had landed on the corner of her mouth, a smile spreading across her face.

"That might be the best batch yet! You did it perfectly, honey! I wouldn't have done it any differently."

The girl tilted her head as Mabel scooped up a handful of batter from the counter and ate it. "Yep, I love a messy breakfast. You haven't done it right if you're not a little dirty."

A mischievous look crossed the woman's face, and she suddenly scooped up some more from the bowl.

At that perfect moment, Dipper walked through the doorway. "Hey, Mabel, I think we had a-gah!"

His word was cut short as a ball of something sticky suddenly slammed into his face. Wiping it from his eyes, he tasted a drop over his mouth and looked back at his beaming sister.

He slowly grinned. "Oh, it is on!"

Mabel shrieked as Dipper hurled it back at her, ducking behind a chair. The kitchen was covered in batter, giving both twins time to scoop up more handfuls. Dipper grabbed the small table and flipped it over, taking cover behind it.

Mabel looked over to the girl, who still hadn't moved. "Come on, you gotta hide unless you want hair full of batter!"

The girl looked back at Dipper's hiding place before scrambling over behind another chair. Mabel grabbed the mixing bowl off the counter.

"Give it up, brother! I have the main weapons! Surrender!"

"Never! You forget, Mabel-bear, I also have my own weapons!"

Dipper suddenly stood up holding two bottles of maple syrup that had been knocked off the table before. Mabel also stood up with a handful of batter again.

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