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I soon broke out into a run, dodging trees and sneaking past any demons. For once I was glad I wore the yellow dress my dad forced me into. Our world consist of mostly yellow and black colors, so I didn't stick out as much as I usually did.

After dodging some weirdness bubbles, I got to the woods. This was often as far as I got because somehow, no matter what direction I took, it somehow led me back to the castle or my dad's henchmainiacs. I paused briefly, looking into the trees.

"The little brat escaped again! Time to play!"

I whirled around at the screech and, without hesitation, I ran into the forest, hoping this time I could find whatever was on the other side.
Mabel's brown eyes opened to see the ceiling of her room. She glanced at her phone to see 12:30 A.M. blinking up at her. She then wondered why she woke up.

And then she felt a small vibration. It went all through the shack and almost tipped over the glass of water on her nightstand.

Pulling her blankets off, Mabel got out of bed and slowly walked out of the room.

"Mabel?" Dipper moaned as he slowly sat up. "What are-"

The shack suddenly lurched, throwing both twins onto the floor. "What the-!" Mabel screeched as she slid out the door and down the hallway. She then heard a faint humming sound that seemed to be coming from below.

Stumbling to her feet, she ran down the stairs with Dipper calling after her.

"Mabel!" The young man called when his sister stopped at the bottom of the stairs. When he got down with her, any words died in his throat.

The vending machine was glowing.

I could hear branches snapping and knew they were getting closer. My legs pushed themselves to the max as I tried desperately to see where I was going.

"Where is she?!" A voice screeched not far behind me.

"She's heading to the portal remains! Get her!"

Branches hit me in the face, scratching my hands. I kept my eyes closed until they were gone, and I opened them to find myself standing in a clearing. Was this the other side of the forest? Have I found it?

Suddenly something hit me right in the center of my back. I fell face first into the dirt, coughing as it got into my mouth.

"Aww, and you ruined your dress! Daddy is going to be so disappointed." Clawed hands grabbed my arms and I saw the monsters smirking down at me.

One of them ran his hand down my dress, which was now dirty and ripped. "Maybe she'd look better her up." The other monsters gasped and then grinned evilly.

My eyes widened. No, not that. Anything but that!

I suddenly dig my foot into the knee of the monster that held me. He screeched and let go of my arms, leaving bruises from how tight his grip was. I hit the ground running, hearing them yell behind me.

"You little brat! Now you've done it!"

I ran further into the clearing, tears floating out of my eyes as I refused to look back.

"Dipper!" Mabel ducked behind her brother. "What's happening?!"

The twins watched as the vending machine grew brighter and started shaking.

Unknown to them, inside the pieces of the portal were causing the glow and vibrating. Things started floating, including the twins. Dipper's panicked mind couldn't help linking it to eight years ago, when...

"No!" He yelled, frantically trying to get to the vending machine. He had to stop it! Mabel called his name as she held onto the counter to keep herself down, but he managed to grab the machine.

He frantically typed in the code and opened it manually before throwing himself inside.

I was almost sobbing, my legs begging me to stop. I could hear the demons not far behind. We were now far away from the forest, my dad's castle looking the smallest I've ever seen it. The land seemed barren and burned now, like something big happened here a long time ago.

I suddenly heard a shriek, and looked over my shoulder. The demons had stopped, their red eyes blazing as they watched me run. I almost slowed down until I saw what was happening.

Blue electricity was dancing across my legs, and my body was starting to burn.

I screamed, my legs almost forcing me to keep running. The burning spread to my head, my vision being taken by something very bright. I felt myself scream again, but couldn't hear anything.

The last thing I heard was a loud screech before everything vanished.

Dipper was about to pull himself down the stairs when the light turned blinding and a force threw him backwards, into the gift shop. Mabel was also blown back, hitting the door. Everything fell back to the ground, the cash register falling over and money spilling out.

The twins stared at the vending machine, and then looked at each other.

What the heck was that?

Dipper scrambled up and cautiously looked in the doorway, seeing darkness going down the stairs. Mabel came up behind him with a flashlight, which she flicked on and pointed down the stairs. Taking each other's hand, the two slowly started down.

———— head's pounding so much...did my dad use a mind machine again?

I moved my hand, but then froze. I was touching something...different. Normally I felt dirt and stone, but this was...different.

My eyes opened painfully, my head still throbbing. There were...stars. But there were less stars then usual. And they were all the same color. There were also trees, but they didn't sing or yell. They just moved whenever wind blew by. And I'm touching something green and...soft.

Slowly, I sat up, my hair falling over my arms. My dress was still torn and dirty, and I was missing one of my shoes. My arms supported me as I looked around. I'm outside, but everything looked so weird.

Where am I?

Suddenly, I saw something. Everything was dark, but I could still see something close by. It was half sunken into the ground, but I knew what it was. It was what I feared every day.

It was a statue of my father in his demon form, his hand reaching out for me.

With a yelp, I dragged myself away from it, not stopping until I was in the shadow of one of the trees.

What is this place?

Mabel's flashlight lit up the room. Everything was scattered on the floor, having fallen after floating around the room. The twins cautiously walked to the big window and looked inside.

The portal pieces seemed to be flung about, still scattered about the room. An occasional crackle of light danced across the edges.

"What was that?" Mabel whispered, her eyes wide.

Dipper just shook his head, unable to think of an answer.

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