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The first thing I notice, like before, is that I'm lying on something soft. I remember the green stuff I was on earlier also felt soft, even when my face brushed against it. But this thing is...nice. It feels like I could just fall asleep again.

I open my eyes to see the organic being from before staring down at me.

"Hello? Are you okay?"

I immediately jerked up, back-crawling over the soft thing and landing on the floor. The organic follows me, it's hands up. I keep back tracking until I hit a wall, and by then the other organic appeared a few steps behind the first.

Instinctively, I bring my knees up to my chest and bury by face in my hands. My dad would sometimes leave me alone if I did that. It showed I was weak and accepting his dominance.

But sometimes it had the opposite effect.

"Hey, girl. You need to calm down." The organic was saying in a high voice. It sounded feminine, so it must've been a female.

Glancing up, my hands shaking unintentionally, I saw her take another step closer until she squatted down in front of me. I cringed, knowing what was going to happen next.

Just get it over with...

Gentle, soft hands took my own, firmly but gently pulling them away from my face. My hyper breath hitching quietly, I saw her smiling at me. Normally, a smile meant I still had a long time to go in a session or playtime.

But something about this smile seemed...nice. It wasn't giddy like my dad's henchmaniacs, and it wasn't showing insanity like my dads. It was comforting, like someone embracing me in a nice way. It made me feel something in my chest, and whatever it was I liked it.

"It's okay. You're fine." She was speaking in a hushed voice. She now held my hands between us, her thumbs lightly rubbing my skin. I saw the other organic come closer too. I flinched as he knelt next to the female.

"Grunkle Ford said we should take her down to the lab. There's something there we have to feed her."

The female nodded, still keeping that nice smile. "Okay, I'm going to try to pick you up, okay? It's ok."

She kept repeating calming sounds like that as she got closer and slipped her arms around me. I knew she wanted to carry me, and I stayed still as she lifted me up.

She carried me to another room where there was a weird looking box against the wall. It had colorful things on the inside. The other organic (male, I'm assuming) walked up to it and pressed these little boxes on the side. It made a sound and moved away, showing a doorway. The organics walked down some stairs, got in another small box that seemed to travel down, and opened up to another room.

It was dirty and damp. I was used to these kinds of rooms, but honestly I missed the softness of the other one we were in.

The female put me down on a chair while the male opened little compartments on the wall, looking for something.

I flinched as some fingers brushed through my hair.

The female immediately retracted her hand, looking apologetic. "Sorry, sorry. I just- your hair is pretty and I wanted to untangle some of it."

"Such a pretty face. And hair just like your old man's."

My dad told me that too. It was one of the few things he ever said he liked about me. That, and my screams.

The male said something as he pulled out a jar of purple liquid. But I immediately perked up when I smelled the weirdness scent. My hand involuntarily reached out for it. The male noticed, but first he poured it into another cup. He then walked over and handed it to me.

I grabbed it and immediately started drinking. I couldn't get anything from that gnome, so I savored the taste and energy. It wasn't the right time to eat, but I couldn't help it.

When it was empty, I lowered it and licked the last remnants off the cup and my lips. The male had his hand out, so I gave it back to him. He started talking to the female again.

I could understand some of the things they were saying, but most just sounded like noise. I didn't know what they had planned, but they hadn't done anything to me yet other than feed me.

My eyes started drifting around the room. There were a bunch of things covered in dust, and I saw a big window. Standing up, I wandered over to it and peered inside.

Inside were huge pieces of what looked like a machine. There was something familiar about this place, but i couldn't put my finger on it.

A finger tapping on my shoulder made me turn around to see the female. She was smiling, again not like my dad.

She said something, but it just came out as garbled again. She then took my arm, but it was gentle and didn't dig into my flesh. She seemed cautious, slowly stepping next to me and trying to lead me somewhere else. We went back to the small box and we walked back out of the secret place. The female took me to another set of stairs that led to a room with weird things against each wall.

The female spoke again, but all I recognized was "sleep". She patted one of the boxes, and I was shocked to see the surface bounce when her hand hit it. I carefully reached out and touched it, finding it soft like the green stuff and the female's clothing. I looked back at the fleshies, and saw the male motioning for me to lie down on the box.

'Must be like a coffin. I must've done something bad.' I thought. In this situation, it's best to just bear it.

I climbed onto the surface and laid down, my arms at my side and my frame straight. I waited for straps to restrain me, but instead the female giggled and gestured for me to sit up. I did so, and was surprised to see the top peel back. She made me maneuver so I was underneath the covering, and she pulled it back up to my neck. Being inside this thing felt nice, comforting for my whole body.

I watched as the fleshies walked back to the door and turned off the light, watching me for a moment before closing the door.

After that, everything was quiet. Faintly I could hear the rustle of trees, but they didn't sing like they did by the castle. Nothing was keeping me in this room, I could climb out the window if I wanted to. But a part of me didn't want to, I wanted to stay in this soft thing for as long as I could.

My eyes looked up at the ceiling, noting the little cracks in the boards and the green fungus growing in the corners.

Yes, this was nice.

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