Chapter One

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My laptop is mocking me.

The daunting screen stares back at me as I sit in front of it with a blank mind. For weeks now I've been stuck. Halfway through my novel, cleverly named Untitled Story, and I have no idea how to proceed.

My mom's voice floats through my head, as it always does when I struggle to write. That's just a silly hobby, Em. Don't expect to ever make something out of it. That's why you need to get your degree so you can actually get a real job someday.

I glance at my Statistics textbook, which lays forgotten in the grass beside me. I'd originally come to the park to study, but of course I got sidetracked. An easy thing to do when the subject you're studying means absolutely nothing to you. Now the sun is setting, and with the dying light I have to accept the fact that I won't be getting over this writer's block anytime soon.

As I attempt to take advantage of the last sun rays of the day, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. It can only be one of two people calling me; my mom or Brody. Pulling it out to check the screen I see it's the latter.

I answer with a small smile, "Hi, baby, what's up?"

"Em, where are you?" His tone comes through stern and direct, not entirely surprising.

"Just studying." I remark, glancing at my textbook once again. I know if I tell him that I've actually wasted the last three hours trying to write it would only make him even more annoyed.

"Where." He emphasizes, sounding impatient.

"Wither's Park."

"Alone? At this hour?" He chastises, sounding less worried and more exhausted with me, like I'm a child he can't take his eyes off of for one moment without fear of me wandering off.

I glance around the area I'm in, which had been bustling with activity when I first arrived but now I see I'm one of three people left. The other two being a pair of teenagers making out under a tree across the lawn. I don't sense any immediate danger, but telling Brody that will do little to ease his mind.

"I didn't realize how late it had gotten." I explain meekly.

"Well you need to get back to your dorm. Now." He states, "Call me when you get there so I know you're safe."

I frown down at my laptop. I had planned to stay for a little longer, but maybe he's right. I shouldn't be alone here when it's almost dark. Anything could happen.

"Okay. I'm leaving now." I tell him, shoving my belongings into my backpack before zipping it up, "I'll talk to you soon. Love you."

"You too. Bye."

He hangs up and I finish gathering my things before standing up and heading towards home. Well, not home, but the student housing for the university. That's been my home for the past two and a half months. It's drab and impersonal, much like my real home.

As I walk I realize Brody was right to want me to go. It gets darker much faster than I anticipate and it's a longer walk than I remember. The streets are pretty quiet, only the occasional car driving by and the buildings and storefronts I pass are all closed.

I enjoy the silent peacefulness. It calms me and empties my mind. I begin to not stress so much about schoolwork or my writers block or anything else bothering me.

That all comes to an abrupt halt when I hear a loud crashing noise coming from the alley just a few yards ahead. I jump a foot in the air, the hair on the back of my neck stands on end, and my heart attempts to leap out of my chest from the fright.

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