Chapter Thirty

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I trudge through Ghost's front door after a long day of classes and let out a grueling moan as I kick off my shoes. Today has not been my day. I bombed a quiz that I totally forgot to study for, and I didn't even bring the right notes for another class.

I can only imagine what my mom is going to say to me when she checks my grades.
Surprisingly, I haven't heard from her in a while, even with the slip in my academics. At least that's one thing to be thankful for.

Ghost isn't in the living room or the kitchen, so I wander down the hall towards his bedroom in search of him. I could really use a big hug and a warm bath at the moment. Something to help me unwind after a stressful day.

What I find waiting for me is a smiling Ghost, perched on the edge of the bed, dressed nicely in dark jeans and a pale button-up with the sleeves rolled up. He seems to have been waiting for me, and when I enter the room he stands up and walks towards me with purpose.

"Hey, what's up—"

My greeting is cut short when his mouth immediately lands on mine in a hungry kiss. I let out a surprised grunt, but manage to match his urgency of the kiss. My stomach flutters as his arm slowly wraps around my lower back and anchors me there.

When he finally pulls away, he grins down at me and remarks, "I missed you."

I bite down a face-splitting grin as I reply breathlessly, "I missed you, too."

His eyes scan me up and down with approval, "You look amazing."

"Oh, thank you." I glance down quickly at the leggings and tank top I had thrown on before coming here, "So do you."

He smirks, taking my hand in his and stepping around me to pull me back down the hall, while instructing, "Put your shoes back on, we gotta go."

I frown at the back of his head as he tugs me along towards the front door. We stop short of it as he slips into his shoes and tosses me an expectant look over his shoulders. I just stand there dumbly and ask, "Did I forget something? Where are we going?"

He smiles secretively as he enlightens me, "I'm taking you somewhere. It's a surprise."

I tilt my head at him, "Like a date?"

His smirk grows, stepping forward to place a quick kiss to my lips. He lingers there for a moment and utters, "Yes, like a date. Don't sound so shocked, Rose. I can be romantic sometimes."

I smile back at him, excited butterflies are already flurrying in my stomach, "I know you can be. I just wish you had told me sooner, I would have dressed nicer."

"I already told you, you look amazing." He states, so self assuredly. He kisses me again, and his hand squeezes my waist with a quick pinch before he pulls back and repeats, "Get your shoes on, let's go."

I quickly oblige and soon he's leading me outside and down the short driveway. He opens the passenger side door for me, like a true gentleman, and once I'm tucked inside he rounds the car to the driver's side. As we buckle up and he pulls out onto the street, my mind can't help but race with ideas of where we could possibly be going.

Like the mind reader he is, Ghost tells me, "It's a long drive, but I don't want you sitting there the whole time stressing about where I'm taking you. Just sit back and enjoy the ride."

I shake my head at him with a light chuckle, "Can't you just give me a hint?"

He smirks at me, "No."

"Fine." I concede, reaching towards the stereo, "But I get to pick what we listen to."

He hums in agreement and retorts, "As long as it's music and not one of those depressing podcasts."

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