BONUS: Ghost's POV- Chapter One

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Hello all you amazing readers!

I am shocked by the amount of love and support I've received for this book. I read every comment and see every vote and my heart just goes out to every single one of you!

I'm also shocked that this story just hit 100k reads!!!

This is such a huge milestone and achievement for me. This is my first completed story that I've uploaded here on Wattpad. I celebrated hitting that first 1k reads, and then 10k, and now 100k just seems insane. It's such a momentous number for me, and something I never thought possible when I uploaded that first chapter.

I've had some questions about whether I plan to continue this story with a sequel, and sadly that's not in the plans. However, I've also had requests to see the story from Ghost's point of view, and I thought that would be a fun way to add some bonus content.

So, to celebrate 100k reads I'm uploading this bonus chapter. It's a retelling of chapter one from Ghost's POV, and I really hope you all enjoy it.

I'm planning on doing a few of these, but I'm not sure what scenes to do it with. If any of you have suggestions or requests for specific scenes or chapters to see from his POV, please comment them here!

So, anyway, if you're reading this just know that I'm so thankful. I'm so glad that this story has reached so many people, and that it was enjoyable for the majority of those people. Thank you all, sincerely. ❤️

-Sarah xo


Chapter One — Ghost's POV

Eric looks absolutely murderous.

The harsh light of the street lamp behind him isn't helping. I'm barely able to stay on my feet as his fist continues to collide with my face, and I'm starting to regret all the boxing techniques I've shared with him over the years.

I'm pretty familiar with the painful sting of getting punched in the face. That kind of comes with the territory of boxing. Maybe as a teenager I was some kind of masochist, because I never used to mind it. It was thrilling for me. Freeing even.

But this is different.

It's different knowing the reason behind this beating I'm currently receiving. And I'm not saying I don't completely deserve it, but it really sucks getting punched in the face by one of your best friends.

"Fight back you goddamn pussy!" He seethes through gritted teeth as his knuckled fist bites into my rib cage. I buckle forward with a wince and he takes the opportunity to hit me against the side of my head. My vision blacks out for a second and I feel myself stagger forward. He grips the front of my shirt tightly and pulls me closer, spitting out more hatred-fueled insults, "You're fucking pathetic, Allister."

I cough, which sends a spray of blood sprinkling over his furrowed face. With an angry roar he shoves me away and I stumble backwards into a pile of metal trash cans. They clatter loudly and I almost fall on my ass, but he just as quickly grips my shirt again and pulls me forward. His arm reels back and continues to pummel me while his other hand holds me up. I take the beating, not even attempting to shield my face.

Only when his arm seems to grow tired does he toss me back again, and this time I fall down amongst the trash cans, a sharp pain digging into my spine as I land weirdly against one of the sharp corners. I let out a groan and roll onto my side.

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