Chapter Forty-One

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I think I break every speed limit from California to Nevada.

All I can do is continuously glance at the clock and press the gas down a little harder with each hour that ticks by. My nerves are through the roof. I have to make it, I need to make it. If I miss Ghost's fight I'll never forgive myself, and he may never forgive me either.

Mom had been confused by my sudden departure at the house. I'd barely been able to rush out an explanation as I threw some items in my bag and crammed my feet into my shoes. She seemed equally shocked by the news of my story getting published, but had promptly congratulated me and helped rush me out the door.

My fingers drum the steering wheel restlessly as I try to figure out what to say to Ghost when I see him. Will he still want to see me, or is it too late? Did I wait too long? Did I burn too many bridges?

I really hope not.

I'm an hour outside of Vegas when I finally realize maybe I should try to call him, to let him know I'm coming. I quickly pull out my phone and click on his contact, but the line just rings continuously before going to voicemail. I try a few more times, with no luck.

Part of me worries he's purposefully avoiding my calls, but I try to look at it from a more rational perspective. He's about to go into the biggest fight of his career, it's possible he's blocking out all distractions, including his phone.

So instead, I try Mila. She answers on the second ring.

"Hello?" I note how hopeful her tone is, which brings me some comfort.

"Mila, hi, are you with Ghost? Is he there?" My voice is urgent and my knuckles turn white as I become infuriated with a slow driver in front of me.

"Uh, no, sorry, he's not." She answers worriedly, and then I register the loud background noise as she adds, "He's in the back, getting ready. Dane is with him. It's just me and Tay here."

"Is he going on soon?" I ask, my tone defeated. If he does, there's no way I'll make it.

"No, there are a few fights ahead of him, and they don't start for another twenty minutes or so."

"Oh, thank god." I breathe out a sigh of relief. There's hope.

"Are you— are you here?"

"Almost. I'm less than an hour outside of the city."

"Really?" She squeals excitedly, "Oh my god, that's great Emerson! Ghost will be thrilled."

"Really?" I echo, my heart fluttering a bit, "He's not angry at me?"

"All I know is that he was depressed for the entire drive here and all this morning. He kept constantly checking his phone."

I feel a bit of guilt hearing that, knowing that he's probably had a terrible week when he should've been feeling sky high in anticipation of this fight.

There's a shuffling sound over the phone and then I hear Tay's voice instead of Mila's shouting into the speaker, "Just hurry your ass up, Em. The traffic is terrible here, I'm not sure if you'll make it in time."

I swallow hard, "I'm trying. Hopefully I'll see you guys soon."

"We hope so, too."

After hanging up, I press the gas even harder.

The clock continues to count down. It's the most stressful drive of my life, but eventually I make it into the city. Tay wasn't exaggerating, the traffic moves unbearably slow, especially around the Arena. Hundreds of cars are trying to cram their way into the parking lot, the lines moving at a glacial pace. More than a few times I contemplate just leaving my car where it is and running inside.

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