Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Ghost can tell I've had an intense day the moment I walk through the door.

It must be written all over my face, the stress and anxiety that my interaction with Liss caused, because I barely get a hello out before Ghost is piercing me with a concerned expression.

"What's wrong? What happened?" He asks cautiously, stepping forward to meet me in the entryway. I take a moment to look over his glistening hair and shirtless chest, realizing he must've just stepped out of the shower after another grueling workout.

I heave a deep sigh, sinking against him and breathing in his relaxing scent. His arms immediately encase me, rubbing soothing circles into my skin.

"It's a lot." I murmur, burying my face further into him, "I'll tell you in a sec, but right now I just want to be held."

"Of course, love." He utters, holding me even closer.

I take a few deep breaths in his tight embrace, slowly feeling myself relax more and more. Once I finally feel alright, he leads me towards the couch to sit down and I start in on everything that Liss told me. He doesn't seem too surprised that she got abused by Brody as well, or about the countless other girls. He does seem enraged for my sake. And when I get to the part about Liss asking me to write a testimony for her case, he appears shocked.

"Are you gonna do it?"

I chew my lip thoughtfully before softly nodding my head, "Yeah. I mean, I have to. It's the right thing to do. It's something I probably should have done a long time ago. Who knows how many girls could have been spared if I hadn't been such a coward."

"Hey, you are not a coward, Rose." Ghost states vehemently, "Your trauma is yours to heal from however you need. You shouldn't feel pressured to bring up all those terrible memories just because you think you owe it to the world."

"I don't owe it to the world, I owe it to myself." I mutter, dropping my gaze to my hands in my lap, "I owe it to the scared girl I used to be. I wouldn't wish that nightmare on anyone. If doing this even slightly betters the odds of Brody never being able to do that to another person, then it's something I'm glad to do."

Ghost regards me for a moment, his face a mixture of worry and understanding. He doesn't look happy about it, but after a while of thinking it over in his head, he sighs and remarks, "I can't tell you what to do, Rose, and if this is something you think you're ready for then I stand behind you one hundred percent. I'm really proud of you, and your strength."

My mouth stretches into a relieved smile. He has no idea how much confidence that gives me, having his support. I reach my arms around his neck and pull him towards me. Our mouths meet in beautiful harmony, dancing with each other for a brief moment that only ignites the fire within me further.

When we pull apart I flash him a grateful smile, "Thank you for believing in me."

He smiles back, replying with a cocky shrug, "It's what I'm here for. That's basically my only duty as a boyfriend."

I laugh, "Yeah, that and opening jars that are just too tight."

"What's gonna happen to me when I come across a jar that I just can't beat?" He wonders teasingly.

I shrug with a coy smirk, "Guess I'll have to find a new boyfriend."

He nods his head solemnly, "It's only fair."

"Too bad they won't be as cute as you."

He scrunches his nose at me, "Again with the wrong adjectives, babe. I'm hot, not cute."

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