Chapter Three

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After the alley incident I kind of just convinced myself it never really happened. I week had gone by as I carried on with life in a normal way, and I was almost able to forget about it. But now as I blink with confusion at Ghost who stands across from me in this club after just saving me from some creep, I wonder why I ever wanted to forget.

His golden eyes are just as rich and beautiful as that night. His dark curls are just as unkempt and wild on top of his head. He watches me with slight concern gracing his expression, stepping closer as his gaze sweeps me up and down.

"You okay, Rose?" He questions, dipping his head down to look at me.

"I-I'm fine." I utter, blinking rapidly to clear my head and come to terms with the fact that this is real, not just some hallucination.

When he sees that I'm alright his concern morphs into that smirk of his and he runs his hand through his thick hair, remarking coyly, "Guess this makes us even. You save me, I save you."

I nod my head, "Guess so." My brows draw into a slight frown and I can't help but ask, "What are you doing here?"

"Well it's the strangest thing, I was just over there with my friends, drinking and enjoying myself when I felt my spidey sense tingling and I just knew there was a damsel in distress that needed saving."

He grins brightly at me and it nearly blinds me. I don't know how I never noticed before but he has two dimples in his cheeks that appear with every smile. I also notice that his cuts and bruises have started to heal, restoring his face to its rightful perfection.

"I wasn't in distress." I reassure him, pursing my lips with determination, "I could have handled myself."

"Of course." He agrees with a bow of his head, "You are my little hero, after all."

I don't know why I'm not just saying thank you. For some reason I don't want to come off as weak as I feel right now. Of course I appreciate him stepping in, but I know telling him that would likely feed his already large ego.

I continue to stand there against the wall, with him looming right over me, closer than I would like knowing that Brody is running around here somewhere. But the proximity is necessary just to hear one another.

"Did you ever go see a doctor after that night?" I question, tilting my head.

He seems amused, glancing off to the side before looking back at me and replying, "I'm touched that you're so concerned for me, Rose, but believe me I know how to discern when a doctor's visit is needed. I've had plenty of experience with the matter."

"What do you mean?"

His mouth turns up into a coy smile, "I'm a boxer."

My eyebrows fly up my forehead, not expecting this revelation, but I guess I'm not entirely surprised. He's certainly fit enough for the job. "Really?"

He nods, "Not professional or anything, not yet at least. But I do fights and stuff at some places around town."

"Are you any good?" I ask, only afterwards realizing that sounds mean.

He just laughs, "Yeah, do I not look like I'd be good?"

I blush, glancing down at his chest as I mutter, "No- I mean yes, it's just... you were kind of losing that fight in the alley."

When I look back up at his face he seems a bit more serious, his brows drawn down as he glances over my shoulder, grumbling, "Yeah, well, I knew I deserved that so I wasn't really fighting back."

I frown in confusion, "You mean you were letting that guy beat you up? You didn't even need my help?"

He smirks down at me, his relaxed expression coming back, "Not really, but you seemed so determined I didn't want to burst your bubble."

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