Chapter Thirteen

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"Hey, you've reached Brody Harrison. Sorry I couldn't get to the phone in time, but leave me a message after the beep and I'll get back to you."

I heave a sigh at the sound of Brody's voicemail once again. I haven't been able to get a hold of him all day. I know his dad's work is keeping him busy, but it would be nice to at least get a call or text from him every now and then. At least to know he's still thinking of me and isn't just ignoring me.

It's Friday night and I'm bored. If Brody weren't so busy I'd even be down to go out to a club or a bar with him. That's how bored I am.

It might have something to do with the fact that I've been avoiding Ghost. Not to the extent of before, but I'm just putting a little distance between us. After the strange energy between us on Wednesday it's better to be safe than sorry.

We've texted every now and then, mostly just about Daisy and how she's coping. He says she's fine and if I don't believe him I should come see for myself.

I'm hesitant to go back to his house, though. We got far too comfortable the other night. I haven't stopped feeling guilty about it yet. Maybe it's a good thing I haven't seen Brody since then, he would take one look at me and see the guilt written all over my face.

I flop down on my bed and stare up at the wall, trying to figure out what to do. My eyes scan over the pink band-aids that are still stuck up all over the place and I can't help but smile.

Ghost has been such a good friend to me. Why am I freaking out so much about the other night? Nothing even happened. We were just hanging out. He would've acted the exact same way with any of his other friends.

I decide to stop being childish and go over to see Daisy. She needs a familiar face right now. I stand up and get ready, putting on my nice leggings in lue of the pajama bottoms I've been in since getting home. I also fix up my hair and add a dash of makeup.

Just a dash.

As I leave my room and head towards the door, Annie's voice down the hallway stops me, "Hey, Em. Hold up a sec."

I turn around and see her emerging from her room as well, done up in glamorous makeup and a shimmering dress. Clearly she's going out, per usual. We seem to always catch each other as we're about to go out the door.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask, pausing at the end of the hallway and waiting as she approaches.

She's sticking large hoop earrings through her ears as she walks, "Are you heading out?"

I nod my head, glancing down at my keys in my hand, "Yeah, just to a friend's place for a bit."

The corner of her mouth draws up into a knowing smile as she fills in the blanks, "Ghost's, right?"

I lightly chew on my lip and nod again, "Yeah."

She finishes with her earrings and smiles warmly at me as she tells me, "You know, me and my friends are going to a club tonight. You guys should swing by later."

I almost feel the need to clean my ears out as I'm not quite sure I'm hearing her right. Did she just invite me to hang out with her? For the first time ever? I'm stunned, and confused. Where is this hospitality suddenly coming from?

My eyebrow perks at her as I question disbelievingly, "Really?"

She nods, still smiling radiantly as though we've been best friends all our lives, "Of course. It would be so fun. I'll text you the addy."

I smile hesitantly back at her as I reply, "Okay, yeah that'd be really cool. Thanks."

"No problem. See you later."

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