Chapter Thirty-Four

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The sun is setting outside as I unpack my last box of books onto Ghost's shelves. Well, I guess they're our shelves now, but it will be a while until I'm comfortable enough to think of it that way.

It didn't take long to haul everything out of the dorms and to the house. Especially since I spent the entire time wrapped up in my own thoughts. I can't stop thinking about what Troy said. I don't usually give a second thought to the things he says to me, but for some reason, this time it's sticking.

Validity. What does that even mean? Our relationship isn't valid? It isn't real? What would Troy even know about that? He's hardly ever around. He doesn't see the way Ghost and I interact. He doesn't see the love we clearly share.

So why the hell do I care so much? Why is it stumping me so hard?

"What do you think?" Ghost boasts from the other side of the room.

I glance over my shoulder at him, where he stands proudly over the placement of my chair nestled into the corner beside the window. There's another bookshelf beside it packed full of my books, and a standing floor lamp on the other side.

"Looks great." I enthuse, finding myself forcing a smile. Why am I forcing it? God, Troy really got in my head.

Ghost glances down at it with a bright grin, "It's like your own little reading corner. You can sit here in the evenings, curl up with a book and a blanket. I can bring you hot chocolate or whatever."

My heart clenches. That's the sweetest sentiment I could ever ask for. I should be showering him with praise and kisses for thinking of me and trying so hard to make me feel at home here. But instead all I can offer him is a pitiful excuse for a smile and weak enthusiasm, "That's great."

His expression drops slightly, and I feel like I've just kicked a puppy. With a slight frown he regards me skeptically. He steps closer while questioning, "Are you okay, Rose? You've been kind of quiet all day."

I sigh heavily, wiping my hands against my thighs before standing up to face him front on. No point in trying to hide it. He knows that something is clearly wrong. Maybe it's time to finally clear the air about Troy. Hopefully he doesn't think I'm just bashing on his friend. Hopefully he doesn't think I'm trying to stir up drama for attention.

I remind myself that Ghost is not Brody.

He steps closer, grabbing both my hands in his and forcing me to look him in the eyes as he questions softly, "What's wrong?"

My gaze can't help but drop down. I don't want to see the hurt in his eyes when I tell him about my doubts.

"It's just... something Troy said to me earlier. It's kind of got me stuck in my own head."

I can hear the concern in his voice as he asks, "Well, what did he say?"

I shrug, "It's stupid, I don't know why I'm taking it so seriously, I mean, it's not the first time he's said something like this to me."

Ghost's curiosity seems even more piqued, and it's tinted with a bit of annoyance as he repeats, "What did he say?"

I drag my gaze up to meet his. I find golden eyes swimming with concern. With a heavy sigh, I utter, "He brought up us running into Eric." His eyes turn more hostile, and I internally cringe as I add, "And he said I should be questioning our... validity?"

"Validity?" Ghost repeats slowly, his gaze darkening.

"Yeah," I shrug, "Like our relationship."

"What's there to question?" He retorts dryly, and I can sense his irritation rolling off him in waves. His grip on my hands is tightening, and I shift my fingers to let him know. Immediately he let's go, and roughly drags one hand through his ruffled hair.

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