Chapter Nine

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I have the entire hour-long drive to change my mind about seeing Ghost, but I don't. I remain firmly planted in my decision, I don't even go home first to change into an outfit that's more suited for a bar, I just go straight there.

The sun is starting to set by that time, and being that it's a Saturday night, the place is unsurprisingly busy. There's a line out the door and I take a moment to be happy for Ghost's friend that his business is doing so well, but I also can already feel the claustrophobia setting in before I even get out of my car.

I decide it's best to text Ghost that I'm here so I don't have to search through the crowds to find him. He texts back quickly that he'll come out to get me, which immediately eases my mind.

I strum my fingernails against the steering wheel as I try not to obsess over the situation with Daisy. I can't stop worrying about it, but I don't want to be a burden all night and annoy Ghost with my bad mood.

There's a tap on my window that causes me to jump and pull away from my thoughts. I glance over to see Ghost peering at me through the glass with an amused smile. I huff a sigh and turn off the car before climbing out while he lets out a small chuckle.

"You're a really jumpy person, you know that?" He remarks.

I roll my eyes at him, "Yes, I'm aware. I have the resting heart rate of a hummingbird."

He just tosses me a smile as we begin to head towards the entrance of The Scrap. I notice a bouncer at the door and the people at the front of the line are either flashing tickets in his face or handing him money to be let in.

"Do people have to pay for entrance here?" I ask Ghost, thinking that's strange for a bar.

He nods, "Only on fight nights. People can buy tickets online or at the door. The money goes into the pot for the winners to take home."

"Are you fighting tonight?" I ask, feeling excited at the prospect of finally getting to watch him."

He nods proudly, sending me a cocky grin as he states, "I'm the main event, baby."

I shake my head at his cocky attitude as we saunter right up to the front of the line. Ghost nods at the bouncer, who is a tall, intimidating, bald-headed man, and the two slap palms in greeting.

"Clive, my man, this is Rose." Ghost introduces, gesturing to me with a proud smile as he remarks, "She's with me."

Clive nods his head approvingly, and when he smiles he actually looks really nice as he says, "Nice to meet you, Rose. You both can go on in."

"Thank you." I tell him in a small voice with a shy smile.

He steps aside as Ghost takes my hand and tugs me along. I want to pull my hand back, knowing that I'm already hurting Brody by even being here in the first place, but once we enter through the door I realize why Ghost took it in the first place.

The room is packed, people are everywhere, making it nearly impossible to move through the room without getting pushed every which way. Ghost's hand in mine is like an anchor, keeping us together as he moves through the crowd much easier than I could. Probably because he towers taller than most everybody in here, and he has a presence about him that sort of just commands people out of his way.

The lighting is low and the loud music accosts for most of the noise in here. It appears that the fights haven't started just yet, which is why so many people are up and mingling around rather than scrambling for good seats in front of the ring.

Ghost pulls us straight to the edge of the bar, where the crowds are really swarming. I feel bad for the three bartenders who are working, attempting to keep up with the large demands.

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