Chapter Two

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A week later the first quarter of the semester is over. I put off checking my final grades for as long as possible, but when I get a furious sounding text from my mom, it basically tells me all I need to know.

Mom: I can't believe this, Emerson. You couldn't manage a single A or B?? How hard is it to not fail something? I'm so disappointed.

I forget that my mom has the login for my online grades. Of course she would be checking them the moment they're posted. I go online as well to see for myself and I'm not entirely surprised by the straight C's and one D. Not great grades, but also not failing as my mom so lovingly put it.

Em: I'm sorry mom. I'll try harder this quarter.

Mom: You better. If I don't see some improvement there will be serious consequences.

As a twenty year old who no longer lives with her, I wonder what serious consequences entails. What can she legally do to punish a grown adult?

I suppose she could stop paying for school, but that's hardly a bad thing in my eyes. I never really saw college as the next step for me once I finished high school, but mom insisted. More like forced. I was never a prime student in high school and it's even more so in college. If that's not obvious enough.

Despite it being the end of the quarter and getting a small break before next quarter starts, I decide to hunker down and do some studying. I want to at least be able to look my mom in the eyes and say I tried. Even if it leads to nothing in the end.

But I hardly get a chance before there's a pounding on my door. I frown, glancing up, knowing my roommate Annie is out for the night and she's not one to ever forget her keys.

I slowly trail to the door and open it, finding Brody on the other side.

He smiles at me, leaning forward to give me a chaste kiss on the cheek in greeting before breezing past me into the room. I hadn't expected him, so I'm dressed in the same pair of pajamas I've been lounging in all day. It contradicts greatly with the crisp, blue button down he wears with a blazer and slacks. His blonde hair is styled to perfection, as always. Not a single strand out of place.

"Hey, baby, what are you doing here?" I question, shutting the door to turn around and face him.

His eyes glance around the dorm, at the old dishes in the sink and the scattered laundry leading a trail to the bathroom door. His brow perks, clear judgement on his face.

"When was the last time you cleaned?" He asks, ignoring my question.

I glance to the side with embarrassment. Most of this mess is Annie's, but it's kind of been an unspoken understanding between us that I do the cleaning. I'm not sure why or how it happened. Maybe because I can't stand the mess for more than a day without feeling anxious and she knows if she waits around long enough I'll just cave and do it for her.

"I was going to clean later tonight." I assure him, "After I study."

His face furrows, "Why are you studying? Quarters over, we're on break."

My lips pull into a tight frown and I hesitate to meet his eyes as I mutter, "I didn't have such great final grades. My mom is really upset with me and wants me to try harder."

I expect him to be mad at me too, but his face just morphs into a softer expression and he steps closer, reaching his arms out to pull me into a tender hug, "Aw, Em, I'm sorry."

"Thanks." I mumble into his shoulder, breathing in deeply as his familiar scent helps to calm me. It's a smell I've grown attached to since junior year of high school, when we first began dating.

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