Chapter Sixteen

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I pace frantically back and forth in the waiting room of the nearest veterinary hospital. Ghost sits in one of the chairs to the side, his leg bouncing up and down as he chews on his nails. He looks worried, but I don't know if it's for Daisy or for me.

I haven't stopped moving for a second. The entire ride over I held Daisy in the backseat as Ghost shouted into his phone, calling the vet ahead to let them know we were coming in. She was still breathing but other than that I don't know how bad it is. They had whisked her away the second we stepped inside.

Now it's a waiting game.

"You've been giving her her medicine, right?" I question Ghost, glancing at him as I continue to pace.

He nods his head, "Yes, every morning and night."

"Has she been eating consistently?"

"Yeah, she empties the bowl every time."

"Did she seem sick to you?"

"No sicker than usual." He sighs, leaning back to watch me with a concerned frown, "Rose, please just sit down and try to relax. I'm sure they'll figure it out. She'll be alright."

I shake my head, turning around as I continue to walk, "No, no, this has never happened before. I don't know what's wrong. I can't relax."

"The doctors will figure it out." He assures me soothingly.

"You don't know that."


"Please just stop talking!" I snap, stomping my foot down as I whip around to face him with an angry scowl, "You don't know if everything will be okay. What if it's not? Don't give me false hope!"

He looks back at me in stunned silence. I can't believe I just yelled at him. Again. The receptionist at the desk and the few other people in the waiting area pass me concerned glances. I ignore them all and instead drop my head into my hands as tears begin to fall.

Within seconds I feel steady hands bracing me and pulling me against a sturdy chest. Ghost's soothing scent washes over me as I relax against him and sob into his shirt. He shushes me softly, rubbing his hand up and down my back as he whispers that it's alright, and to let it out.

I shake my head as my tears leak into the fabric of his shirt, "I can't say goodbye to her. Not yet. It's not her time."

Ghost just holds me tighter, allowing me to break down in his arms. I don't even care that strangers are watching me. I don't care that just an hour ago I was arguing with Ghost. All I want is for Daisy to be okay.

It seems like years pass before one of the doctors finally emerges and calls out my name. I quickly follow her back and Ghost is right behind me, his hand firmly clasping mine. We're led to a small exam room with a table and two chairs but Daisy isn't here.

Immediately I take that as a bad sign.

The doctor sits in the stool opposite of the chairs and gestures for us to take a seat. Numbly I step over and lower myself down, wiping at my eyes as I wait for the news.

The lady checks the chart in her hands before glancing up and smiling sympathetically at me, "So, Daisy just got out of surgery and unfortunately what happened is she suffered a major cardiac arrest."

My breathing stops. I squeeze Ghost's fingers tightly as he brings his other arm up to wrap around my shoulders.

The doctor continues, "We were able to clear her airways and restart her heart. She's set on an IV now. She is alive."

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