Chapter Eleven

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"Really? You found someone who's willing to take Daisy? Already?"

My mom sounds in disbelief over the phone, and I can't say I blame her. I'm still in shock as well over Ghost's generosity, but I'm not going to question it anymore. I texted him again this morning just to be certain he was really sure and he had eloquently texted back, 'Shut up and just give me your dog already.'

"Yes mom. I did. I'll probably drive up sometime this week to get her, is that okay?"

I hear her sigh into the phone as she replies, "Sure, that's fine. Who is it?"


"Who did you find to take her?"

"Oh, just a friend." I remark lightly, glancing off to the side. I know I can't tell her it's Ghost as she was very clear about being on Brody's side of the whole dispute.

"What a generous friend." She replies, her tone full of suspicion.

We talk for a bit longer before hanging up and for once I'm not left feeling awful about myself at the end of a conversation with her. I flop back onto my bed, feeling drained from being up so late last night and slightly hungover from the drinking.

I don't regret a thing, though. After going back inside after my phone call with Brody and the weird conversation with Troy, my mood had been slightly off. Ghost had noticed and asked if I was alright. I told him I was fine and thankfully he dropped the subject.

We finished the beer pong game and we won. After that we played three more games, and we only lost one of them. My spirits had dramatically lifted the further into the night we got and I ended up having the time of my life.

It was nearly one in the morning when I got home. Ghost had driven my car again being that he had stopped drinking early on in the night and was fine to drive. I had asked him how he would get home and he told me not to worry about it. He walked me to the door to make sure I got in safely before bidding me goodnight.

All in all, it was a really fun time.

I intend to spend today having a lazy Sunday. I have some studying to do, but I put it off for later and choose instead to write. Once again I can feel the creative juices flowing, and I think I have Ghost to thank for that.

As I sit in bed with my laptop in front of me, my phone vibrates by my leg. I pick it up and see that Ghost has texted me.

Ghost; Whatcha doin?

Em; Lazy day in bed. Wbu?

Ghost; Nothing, I'm bored. Can I come over?

I hesitate as I stare down at the request. I want to say yes but I'm partially worried about Brody dropping by unannounced and finding Ghost here if I allow him to come.

Em; How about we go to the park? It's nice out today.

Ghost; Um, you obviously haven't looked outside recently, it's raining like a bitch.

My cheeks heat up with embarrassment. How did I not realize it's raining? I didn't even think to check.

Em; Oh, right. Yeah, just come over then, that's fine.

Ghost; Great. See you soon.

I click my phone off, feeling both excited and worried. I assure myself Brody probably won't stop by, he barely does anymore, he's been so busy with doing stuff for his dad.

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