Chapter Eight

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It's past noon when I roll up to my childhood home the next day. It's an hour long drive to here from campus, but it's a trip I feel is necessary now that I have mom's necklace back. I'll be able to give it back to her and hopefully mend the divide that it caused between us.

The house is nothing special. Not the nicest one on the street but also not the worst, modest in size and structure. I park behind my mom's old Toyota before sliding out of the car and proceeding up the porch step to the front door. I brace myself before ringing the doorbell, anticipating seeing my mom again.

I texted her this morning to let her know I'd be coming so it wouldn't be a surprise, but I almost expected her to tell me to not even bother given the nature of our last conversation. Surprisingly, she agreed for me to come on over.

She opens the door with a curt smile, done up in her usual way; mousy hair tied back in a severe bun, classy, minimal makeup, and her favorite pair of pearl earrings dangling above her shoulders.

"Hi, mom." I greet cheerfully, smiling sweetly at her.

"Hello, Emerson. I'm glad you could make it." She remarks, stepping aside to let me in.

I enter the home and she shuts the door behind me before striding off into the kitchen while I kick off my shoes. I hear the familiar jingling of dog tags and clicking of nails on the hardwood floor and look over with a large grin to see Daisy slowly trotting her way over to me.
I crouch down and open my arms up to the large German Shepard mix, "Hey, girl, c'mere you sweet puppy."

She nuzzles right into me, hopping excitedly as I scratch her in all her favorite spots. Her tails thumps rapidly against the floor as she rests her head in my arms.

As I pet her I hear mom say from the kitchen, "You shouldn't get her so worked up, she could have a heart attack at her age."

Immediately I settle down and pass Daisy a sad smile and one final scratch before straightening up and walking into the kitchen. She follows slowly behind me as I move to sit on one of the stools at the counter.

Mom busies herself with stirring something on the stovetop so that she doesn't have to look at me as she makes small talk, "Was the drive alright?"

"Yeah, it was good."

"Any traffic?"

"Not much."

"That's good."

There's a short silence as she keeps her back to me. I can tell she's still upset with me. My mom has never been a warm presence, but she's not usually so icy towards me either.

Fortunately I have the solution to our dispute sitting right in my pocket, thanks to Ghost.

I clear my throat as I begin furtively, "So, about the necklace..."

Mom huffs a sigh, "Please, don't bring that up to me right now. I'm trying so hard to remain calm about it."

"Well I have good news." I reassure her, piqueing her interest and causing her to turn and face me. I smile proudly at her as I dig through my pocket and pull out the necklace. She gasps loudly, clapping a hand over her mouth, as I state the obvious, "I got it back."

"Oh my god." She rushes over and snatches the item out of my hand. She holds it delicately, examining it closely as though to ensure that it's the same necklace before she cries, "Thank god. I was so worried."

"I know." I tell her, passing her an apologetic look, "I'm really sorry I lost it in the first place. That was totally irresponsible of me. I want to give it back to you so you can keep it here safely and not have to worry anymore."

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