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Six months later...

I stare out of the window at the Seattle skyline as the sun dips beneath the horizon, setting a romantic mood across the pink and purple sky. In the reflection of the window I can see Ghost in the kitchen, stirring sizzling pots and pans on the stovetop as he attempts to cook us dinner.

With a smile I turn to face him, "You're smoking, babe."

His eyes glance up at me as a mischievous smirk curls his lips, "Thanks, babe, you're looking pretty good yourself."

I let out a soft laugh as I step closer, "No, I mean you're smoking us out. You need to turn the vent on above the oven."

"Oh." He chuckles before flipping the switch beside him, "Good call."

"Wouldn't wanna burn down the entire AirBnB, I think this is one of the best ones we've stayed at so far."

He glances around at the shining appliances and brand new furniture, and shrugs as if he's not impressed, "I think that place in Houston was better."

I roll my eyes, "Of course you liked the grandma furniture, it probably reminded you of home."

He squints his eyes at me, "Are you calling our furniture old?"

"What? No. Never." I tease, sticking my tongue out at him as I slide onto the stool on the opposite side of the counter from him.

He huffs indignantly at me as he tosses around the mixed veggies in one of the pans, "Well, maybe once you sell a million copies of your book we can buy some new furniture."

"A million. That's a tall order, we're still in the editorial phase."

He smiles proudly at me, "Yeah, but when it releases I know you'll sell a million."

"We're only printing ten thousand copies."

"Jesus, Rose, just let me dream, okay?"

I laugh and shake my head at him, "Okay, I promise to sell a million copies."

"Thank you." He remarks, blowing a kiss at me.

I glance at my laptop on the coffee table, feeling proud of the work I was able to accomplish today while Ghost spent most of his time at the gym prepping for his fight tomorrow. I was able to fix the notes that my editor sent me, as well as sneak in some extra writing for my new work in progress.

"So are you nervous for tomorrow?" I question, crossing my arms over the countertop as I watch him fret over his sauce.

He gives a nonchalant shrug, "You know me. I'm never nervous."

"Not even with all the cameras?"

"I'm used to it by now."

I shake my head at him, hesitant to believe that's really true. He went from small, no-pressure fights at The Scrap to internationally televised events within a matter of months. That's enough to make anyone quake with nerves.

Though, I do have to admit, Ghost has taken it all in stride. Ever since his big win in Vegas, his career has only taken an exponential rise. His two second knockout was the talk of the boxing world for a while there, not to mention, our passionate kiss immediately afterwards.

The clip of it went viral, which was great for him, albeit a little mortifying for me knowing over five million people have seen how I kiss. But with so much buzz around him, it wasn't long before he got invited back for more prelims and higher profile events, until eventually making it onto the main card for the majority of his fights.

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