Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Are you okay?"

After nearly a month, after so many unanswered texts and calls, after the weighing guilt and the sleepless nights, hoping, dying for some form of communication, those are the first words Ghost speaks to me.

I stare at him as if he truly is a ghost, as if maybe Brody did choke me unconscious and this is all some kind of dream. His sharp features glow under the illumination of the street lamp and the pale light of the moon and stars.

His face is set with so much worry, so much concern. His honey-golden eyes scan the scene in front of him, only pausing momentarily on Brody's slumped form on the ground, before returning to me. His lips part, his brows knit together as he gazes back at me.

Am I okay?

What a loaded question.

The adrenaline and fighting instinct that came with Brody's attack is quickly seeping out of my body, replaced with panic and dread. He almost killed me. The phantom feeling of his hands around my throat, squeezing, pressing down on my windpipe, makes it impossible to breathe.

I can feel the panic attack rising up in my throat, weighing down on my chest. I take one staggering step towards Ghost, softly shaking my head, tears filling my eyes as I utter almost inaudibly, "No."

Within a heartbeat he's rushing to my side. I collapse into his arms, burying my face into his chest as I just allow the sobs to rack through my body.

His arms encase me, rubbing slow, smooth circles into my back as he hushes me softly, his lips grazing my ear.

"It's okay. It's okay." He chants to me, as if that will somehow make the words true.

How did he get here? Why is he here? The probability of it makes me believe he isn't real, but how could he not be when I can feel him so tangibly beneath my fingers? I could never imagine this.

I thought he hated me, though.

"Rose, it's okay, I've got you. What do you need? Do you need to go? Do you want me to take you home?" Ghost questions, his voice so gentle in my ear.

I can't form any words, all I can do is nod my head against his chest, my tears continuing to soak the fabric of his shirt. I feel him move beneath me, turning me around with his arm wrapped protectively around my shoulder as he ushers me away.

My eyes are so blurred with tears, my mind reeling with so many thoughts, I can't even process everything that's happening. I assume Ghost is leading me towards his car, and I allow him to do so with no resistance. I know I'm safe in his hands.

As we pass by Brody, still writhing and crying on the ground, I feel Ghost's presence leave my side for only a moment. I hear a loud crack followed by even heavier cries of pain from Brody.

"Touch her again and I'll kill you." Ghost threatens in a low, animalistic growl, though it can barely be heard over Brody's moaning.

Ghost returns to my side, continuing us forward and soon we reach his car. He quickly guides me into the passenger seat before rounding over to the driver's side. My breathing is shallow and quick as the tears keep coming and soon I feel the car lurch forward and we're driving away.

I feel his heavy palm rest on my leg, squeezing reassuringly before it moves to my chin and softly tilts my head back.

"How does your throat feel? Are you able to breathe okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?" He questions, a hint of fury hiding beneath his tone though I know it's not directed towards me.

I shake my head, and my voice comes out wavering as I answer, "It's fine, I can breathe."

"There are already bruises forming, shit Rose." He curses, slamming his palm against the wheel, causing me to flinch. He notices and immediately his voice softens and he utters, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm just so fucking furious right now, I want to literally kill him, Emerson, but I know making sure you're safe is more important than that piece of shit."

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