Chapter Thirty-Three

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I can't decide how to feel as I sit on the couch in my dorm, staring with wonderment at the words written across the screen in front of me. The End. I did it. I finished my story. I never thought it could be possible but there it is. And I'm actually pretty satisfied with it.

With an alarming sense of juxtaposition my eyes move away from the laptop and onto the pile of mail that sits on the coffee table. Just an hour ago I opened up the letter from my bank, which informed me of the closure of my account. Which can only mean one thing, my mom has officially cut me off. Just two weeks after the wedding.

I wish I could say I feel more sad about it.

Truthfully, I feel free. With no more money fueling in from her, I'll be forced to drop out of my classes, move out of the dorm, and finally live my life the way I want it to be. Not the way she wants it to be.

I'm happy.

That's the feeling I settle on when Ghost shows up. He lets himself in without hesitation, greeting me with a cheerful smile and a passionate kiss.

"Ready to go eat?" He asks, plopping down onto the couch beside me, his hand immediately resting on my thigh.

I close the laptop, turning to him with a bright smile. I'm not sure which news to bring up first. The book or my mom. I decide on the latter, it's more pressing.

I reach forward for the opened letter and shove it into Ghost's hands. He quirks a questioning brow at me as his eyes lightly scan it.

"My mom cut me off." I state matter-of-factly.

His eyes sweep back up to me and I watch him study my features, as if he expects to find me torn up over this. After a moment of consideration he remarks, "Well, technically, you cut her off first."

The corner of my mouth twitches and there's a hint of pride to my tone as I concur, "That's true." My eyes glance back at the paper and I tap it lightly with my finger, "You know what this means, though, right?"

"You're gonna be homeless?"

"No, I'm gonna be free."

He smiles at me, setting the letter to the side and wrapping one arm around my shoulders to pull me closer. I lean against him and he places a kiss against my temple while murmuring, "I'm proud of you, love."

There's that word again. Proud. Nothing else he says to me can spark as much joy as that single sentiment. Knowing he's proud of me, he approves of the way I'm choosing to live my life, and he's backing me up one hundred percent. He'll never know how much confidence that gives me.

"So what are you gonna do now?" He questions, pulling away slightly to look me in the eyes.

I sigh as I lean back against the couch. My eyes immediately wander to my laptop, and I can't help myself from announcing, "Well, maybe now that I've finished my book I'll have time to get a real job."

I watch Ghost freeze for a moment, the gears turning in his head as he realizes what I've just said. With wide eyes and an excited tone he questions, "Hold on, you finished it? Like, it's all done? The whole thing?"

I nod triumphantly, "Yes, literally just now."

"Oh my god, Rose! That's amazing!" He enthuses, a grin splitting his face as he shakes me excitedly. "Can I read it? Are you gonna get it published? Will you remember me once you become a big, famous author?"

I let out a light chuckle at his enthusiasm, "Of course you can read it, you are my first fan after all. I can even give you an autograph if you ask nicely." My mind goes over his other question and I find myself almost deflating into myself as I reply, "And, uhm, I don't know about publishing."

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