Chapter 23 The end

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The final chapter:)

Unedited and very short, read the short authors note at the end. Thank you loves<3

Todorokis POV

It's been about a month now. The doctors finally released me from the hospital a few days ago and I couldn't be happier; I was finally able to breath fresh air even if I was still wasn't able to do much. I still have to wear some casts and bracers but besides that I'm relatively fine.

Midoriya would help me around the school when I'd go, I still have to go through physical therapy. But I'm glad that it's him. I'm glad he's okay. Sometimes, I'd wake up in cold sweats remembering the skin melting flames and indescribable bone breaking pains.

So now we were still in our last class of the day staring up at the board full of self defense strategies. The bell soon rang signaling the ened of the day and Midoriya packed up my things even when I told him I could take care of it.

We walked out of the class having small conversation and out the front entrance. "Todoroki, when you think they'll have their next big event?" His shining smile made my heart melt.

"I dunno. Why?" I responded. His face scrunched up showing he was thinking.

"Well..maybe-maybe I was just curious..? We having since..ya know.." His expression fell sad, which made me sad. I brought a hand up to his cheek and gently caressed it and his soft fluffy hairs. He smiled again and leaned into the touch.

"Midoriya, are you free later tonight?" I asked. I realized I never asked anything that I should have a while back. It was time to make up for that.

"Uh, no? What's up?" He tilted his had like a dog, it was so cute. I gripped my bag that was around my shoulder trying to keep it up as it slipped.

"Do you perhaps want to hangout with me later?"

His face lit up and he started to fidget with his fingers as he nnodded. "Y-yeah! I'd love to!"

I nodded and told him when we would hangout and where. He agreed and made it to our cross road where we parted ways.


It was around six when I made it to Midoriyas house, I wore comfortably which was a white sweater and some slightly baggy jeans.

I knocked on the door and midoriya's mom Inko opened it. "Todoroki! Hi sweetheart, how are you?" She opened the door to let me but I politely denied.

"Oh, i- MIDORIYA!! TODOROKI IS HERE FOR YOU!" She yelled up the stairs, some quiet thumping against the wall then Midoriya appeared and ran down the stairs.

"H-hi! Sorry I was distracted haha.." his cute flustered face was shy. He wore a simple red jumper and some dark jeans.

I smiled and offered my hand to which he took it. I turned to his mom, "thank you." I thanked as she just shooed us off.

We walked hand in hand off to the desired destination which was a small sushi place first.

We sat down and ordered having small conversation. After a while of eating and finished, I paid and we made it to our final destination. It was night and the slightly cold air seemed to set the mood as we walked down a fairy light lit path. Flowers around the sides and benches framed the beautiful scenery.

And the sight of Midoriyas face in awe made the sight even better. The warm glow against his pale freckled skin and fluffy curls was definitely picture perfect.

"Midoriya." I spoke, gently and nervousnessly. I know I'd know the answer but incase he'd say no still made me worry. He looked over, giving me his full devoted attention. He hummed a yes and his head slightly tilted.

"...I know we've been through a lot especially the last few months but I haven't asked you, I think it was because I was scared but..

Will you be my boyfriend?

I don't think I've asked but then again, my memory isn't really the best but you really make me..happy. I really do love you, Midoriya."

It was a short silence but then I saw Midoriya start to cry. I wouldn't expect anything less, I opened my arms as he gently came in for a hug still mindful of my injuries.

"Y-yes!" I heard the smile in his voice as it made me blush. He was finally and fully, mine.

Who would have thought that it would take one party, one fight and one hospital bed that would bring us together? Kinda crazy huh?

Jealousy really isn't the best when your in love.

"I love you so much."



It's finally finished, it's been about a year or two right?

I apologize, I really kinda just lost interest in this half way through and especially in the my hero community.

I really just lost interest in it even after I thought I wouldn't, haha crazy. But I'm working on other stories from other community's so if you want Check it out! I  would really appreciate it:)

Over all I don't think I did a good job with this story, my grammar and punctuation could have been better and my spelling was soooo bad. The story line was also pretty scuffed, very messy and not put together well. It was all over the place so if I could come back and redo it?

I probably would if I was actually inspired to keep writing this story but not really. So nonetheless, i hope you all enjoyed and I apologize that this isn't the way I wanted this story to end. I just wanted to get it out of the way and I felt bad that I haven't written it for a few months.

So I just decided to cut it off here, I hope yall understand but again, thank you so much for this journey! I really appreciate all of you very much!

Jealousy! Tododeku  Where stories live. Discover now