Chapter 3

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Still Todoroki's POV

Time skip to a few days later because that would be boring..

Today was Friday, so it was the night of the party. The party was at six after school so I had time. I put on my uniform and grabbed my school bag before walking out of my dorm.

I got to my class and opened the door. To have a small figure shoved into me. I almost fell but caught myself and the person that was well shoved into me. I look down to see who it was and it was. It was midoriya, again. His face was almost as red as kirishimas hair. I looked up to see who pushed him and urakaka was standing there giggling. I went to walk over to her but Midoriya tugged at the hem of my shirt, stopping me. I looked down at him, "D-don't! She didn't mean to.." he muttered gripping my arm. He's too precious for this world. After what Momo said about possibly liking him I've come to the realization, that I do indeed like Izuku Midoriya.

I smiled down at the smaller male and patted his head lightly. He smiled back before walking back into class. I look over to Momo and jirou. Momo had a smug look on her face. And jirou was laughing he ass off. I rolled my eyes as the wight on my arm was released. I look over and Midoriya was walking to his friends. I should have expected that but I just walked it off to the two girls probably making fun of me.

"What mom?" I asked sitting down. This caused jirou to practically fall out of her seat In laughter. "I see you FINALLY expected it." Momo chuckled helping her girlfriend up. I blushed turning away. "Aww you do like him-!" In one swift movement I covered her mouth. "Shut. Up" I growled. She backed up sticking her tongue out like a child laughing. I rolled my eyes and turned away giving her the silent treatment.

The bell rand and Mr. Aizawa walked in. Class started.

Time skip to after school:)

I put my new change of clothes on Swiftly and ran out the door. Momo texted me and said she needed help getting stuff ready. I had a light blue long sleeved button up on along with a pair of black skinny jeans. And my turquoise converse on. I eventually made it to her house out of breath. I knocked on the door and seconds later jirou answered. We said our hellos and she let me instead. As we were getting stuff ready Momo pulled me aside to talk.

"So what about you and midoriya huh?" She bumped my shoulder playfully. "That's none of your concern." I gave her a cold look. "Todoroki I can practically feel the chemistry between you two! You guys are made for each other! Partners in crime! Peanut butter and jelly! You get what I'm trying to say?" I covered my face in embarrassment. Is it true? Are we really that 'true' for each other? "No I-i don't he probably isn't gay anyways. Have you seen the way him and Urakaka talk? They're always so..close it's frustrating."
"Hah! That's where your wrong." She said grabbing some solo cups. "What?" I questioned grabbing the other stack of cups. " yeah! They're BOTH gay. You really don't pay attention to others do you? Urakaka seems to like Tsuyu. And Midoriya seems to like." She took a pause before saying...


I choked on my own spit when she said that. "W-what? No he wouldn't..would he?" I questioned. My face was probably very red. "Yes! He looks at you in class I've caught him staring at you! And the way he looks at you and the way you protect him it's almost like you guys are dating!" She jumped in excitement.

"Momo some people are here!" I hear Jirou yell from The door. "Alright love! I'll be there in a bit!" She yelled back. As she ran to the door she turned to me. "Just go for it Todoroki." She gave a soft smile then turned back before running away. This made me really think about it. But he wouldn't would he? It's probably just because my 'good looks' or my quirk. Or something like that.

But maybe he dose feel the same.

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