Chapter 8

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Todoroki's POV

I sat back down in my spot on the Couch. My eyes glued to the tv. I didn't dare look at Midoriya. I felt shifting next to me. "Here ya go." Kirishima gave Bakugou the water and Midoriya the Dr.Pepper. "Thanks shitty hair."
"Thank you Eijiro!" Midoriya thanked.
Even hearing them talk got me jealous.

Time skip to after the movie

The movie ended and we all decided to do our own thing while Momo ordered pizza. I just sat in my same spot on my phone. "Hey Todoroki!" I heard a feminine voice call. I looked up and it was Urakaka. I hummed in response. "Do you wanna come hangout with us? We're just talking!"
"I think I'll pass." I looked back down at my phone. But she snatched it out of my hands. I have her a harsh glare. "Urakaka give it back." I demanded. "Come on! Your just salty because Midoriya is being all cutesy with kirishima" she teased. "Ya know, I could honestly care less. Can't you just let me have my own time?" I lied. She sighed before giving me my phone back. "Fine but just this once? I'll never bother you again!" She just kept insisting, i couldn't say no. I eventually said 'fine' and walked with her to where. Midoriya, Iida, Tsuyu and herself were sitting.

I just sat down in the only spot left that was next to Midoriya. Great. After a few seconds of silence they all started talking. I again pulled out my phone and was scrolling through the media. "Todorokiiiiiii. I asked you here to socialize! Not be on your phone again." Urakaka complained. "Didn't you say you'd never bother me again?" I raised a brow looking at her. "Fuck." She muttered. Causing Iida to freak out. "S-so Todoroki um what did you and Kirishima talk about in the kitchen?"
Midoriya asked with a slight tint of pink on his cheeks.  He looked adorable. "Just somethings, it's nothing to worry about." I reassured giving him a slight smile.

Midoriya's POV

I felt bad. Even tho it was a joke Todoroki still seemed up about what happened earlier. And I know he wasn't telling me something. But I decided not to push it. He went back to his phone and I couldn't help but get a bit curious on what he was doing. So I put my head on his shoulder and saw he was reading a article about some hero stuff in the Media right now. "Midoriya..? If you wanted to know you could have just asked." He shifted so I was practically on his lap. I blushed furiously. "I-I know..b-but I didn't w-want to bother you.." I stuttered. He let out a low chuckle before putting his head on my shoulder. "Your adorable, ya know that?" He asked plainly. My face was burning hot as I just shook my head. "Well you are."

Time skip to later

Me and Todoroki just finished eating and sat back down we're we sat down before. Except kirishima sat down next to me. He had his head in the crook of my neck. Todoroki was giving him a death glare. Momo was sitting down across from us and had a worried look on her face. So did jirou. "Ya know Todoroki. How would you feel if me and Midoriya were to kiss in front of you?" Kirishima asked snaking his arm around my waist. "W-what!?"I looked back at him. He just winked at me. I knew this was a joke but was he taking this too far? I still remember what kancchan said.


I'm screwed! If he even sees this! He actually trusted me for once! With the thing that matters most to him, kirishima. I looked over to Todoroki and he looks as mad as kancchan right now. It's pretty intimidating.. but knowing kirishima, he was gonna push it. I felt him grab my chin and pull me towards his face. He gave me an apologetic look before leaning in and kissing my upper lip, making it seem like we actually kissed. I've haven't had my official first kiss yet. But I don't think this counts as a direct kiss right? No?

In a swift movement I was softly pushed to the side. I turned to see Todoroki holding kirishima by his shirt with his right hand. Kirishima had a smug look on his face and Todoroki, there's no word to describe how angry he looked. He put him down and dragged him out the door way. Of course me and Kancchan chased after him along with Momo, jirou, denki, sero and Urakaka.

Once we got out kirishima was pinned up against a wall and was getting a death glare that said all the words for him. Kirishima for such a happy and upbeat guy seemed to have some fear in his eyes. The aural around then felt dark. I guess Kancchan even found it hard to move.

He shook it off tho and blasted forward causing a slight smoke. Once the smoke cleared we saw Todoroki and Kancchan fighting it out and kirishima on the ground. Todoroki gave a left hook his arm on fire as he hit Kancchan in the gut. But he fought back with a explosion to the face. Denki, sero and kirishima got up and pulled Kancchan back. Momo and Jirou pulled back Todoroki as i stood in between the two. Kancchan just stopped but Todoroki was trying to fight out of their grip. Pulling and shoving till he fought them off and got pushed into me. I'm guessing he didn't even notice that his face was all bloody from Kancchann's explosion.I looked up at him, he was furious eyes locked on Kancchan and kirishima next to him. I pulled his shirt Down so he was eye length with me. (because midoriya is short)


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