Chapter 5

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Urakaka'S POV (just trust me read quick)

Tsuyu, Iida and myself have been working on a plan for a while now. What is this plan?

It's a plan to get Todoroki and Deku together! Deku 'Aww's at Todoroki and simply just adores him! And if it wasn't obvious Todoroki probably likes him too! But their both too oblivious to notice.

So we decided to make up a plan to get them to fuck or at least get together by the end of the night! Me and Tsuyu ship them, hard. But aaIida says that it's "inappropriate to 'ship' your friends." But he's just a non believer. So basically the plan is to get Todoroki jealous. I've noticed he's a bit..possessive and he seems like the jealous type. He doesn't like people taking his things without asking. Denki made that mistake once. And he ended up having a short circuit without physically using his quirk. Todoroki just scared the crap out of him. It was kinda funny.

But now that we're playing truth or dare? My plan is put into action!

Todoroki's POV

I was sitting next to Momo and Jirou after they dragged me to this game. "Alright! So everyone who wants to play is here!" Mina started " the rules are, one if you pick a date you have to do the dare! No pussys!"
"I'm gay." Jirou pointed out " so pussy, is my thing." She winked at Momo causing her to blush. Laughter filled the room even Bakubitch laughed. And some people said 'same'. Mina laughed it off but then started the rules. " okay so second if you get a truth you have to answer honestly because that's not fun. And last just just have fun!"

We all sat in silence after the rules for a few seconds. Till kirishima finally broke the silence. "Sooooo...Denki! Truth or dare?" He smugly looked at denki as he gasped dramatically. "Ah dare, duh!"
"I dare you to....

Fuckin' time skip because my lazy ass doesn't want to write extra shit

Mid way through the game they forced Iida too play. And After dares and dares from Mina having to eat glue to, Iida having to say 'fuck'. And boy he didn't like that. "MY HOLY SINS!!!" Iida cried as Midoriya held back giggles comforting him. It was indeed funny but Iida was quite close to Midoriya, I know their just friends but I still feel off out it. "Hey Deku! Truth or dare huh?" Urakaka asked. "U-umm..truth..?" He responded as Bakugou scoffed at his response. I glared at Bakugou rolling my eyes then looking back at midoriya. "Hmm, is it true that you like a certain..UA boy??" She questioned wiggling her eyebrows. He blushed furiously and nodded quickly. While midoriya gained some 'ooo's and 'who is it?'s from fellow classmates. I couldn't help but feel jealous and a bit sad.

Who could he like? I mean, him and Iida are pretty close. Also that one kid from the General Department of class 1- C. Hitoshi shinsou? Yeah from the sports festival a while back. Hm or maybe even the blasting Pomeranian? They've known each other for a while. Since they were kids! But kirishima likes bakubitch and he likes kiriahima back that's pretty obvious. Geez he's so oblivious. But who? Maybe even Urakaka..but she said he like a guy.

"Hey Todoroki? Are you listening?" I turn to see Momo. I hum in response. She rolls her eyes playfully." I said, truth. Or. Dare"
"Um dare?" She have me that dumb smug look. "I dare you to take off the shirt."
"Why?" I questioned back genuinely confused. "Momo I thought you were gay?" I asked starting to unbutton the top. "Oh it's just a little hmm 'plan' ya know?" She winked looking over at Urakaka. "What are you up too?!" Iida barged in. "Oh nothing" the girls said in unison giggling. I rolled my eyes again and slid off the sleeves before tossing my shirt at Momo.

"Ah! The gay!" She playfully yet sarcastically screamed. "Oh no my secret is out." I sarcastically said back. "Wait, half n' half is gay!" Bakugou laughed. "Ya know. So are you." I said back. Before me and boom boy got in a fight kirishima held him back. "But yes, I Todoroki shoto. I'm gay." I said with a straight face; some people clapped while others just nodded. I glanced over at midoriya who was blushing slightly and was muttering words I couldn't make out. He then looked up, locking eyes with me. I debated on what to do but decided to just wink at him. At first I thought it was stupid but his eyes widened and blush, flushed over his face, turning to a deep shade of red. But he didn't look away which I was confused about but took it a bit forward and stuck out my tongue slightly with a slight smirk. His face some how turned an even deep shade of red and he used is hoodie to cover his face.

With that I was satisfied with what I did and looked away. I asked sero truth or dare and of course he said dare so I dared him to mummy wrap Hagakure so we could actually see her. "Hey deku are you alright?" I heard urakaka ask midoriya. I couldn't help but glance over at them. We slightly made eye contact. "O-oh y-yeah. I'm f-fine." He answered back looking at Urakaka. "Are ya sure?"
"Y-yup, never better." He smiled at her shyly before looking up at sero Wrapping Hagakure. I also looked over at them chuckling slightly.

After they were finished with the wrapping a few more rounds were done then it was Tsuyus turn to ask the question.

" So Midoriya, truth or dare?" She asked tilted her head slightly.


And I'm ending it there. Hope you enjoyed, the next chapter will be out shortly

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