chapter 20

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Midoriya's POV

Its so quiet, its so dark. Why does this place feel so..familiar? Its so hazy, oh I guess its just a dream. I'm waking up huh? That's why this place feels familiar, it smells like a hospital. Yeah! I hear the heart monitor, it's slow but beating.

"Mmm.." i open my eyes and I was right, I'm in a hospital bed.

"Izuku!!! My dear your awake!!" I turn and see my mom to my left, tears in her eyes as she pulls me into a tight mom hug. "Mom..gah!" I go to hug her back but feel pain everywhere.

"Oh honey! Don't move too much, I'm sorry." She pulled away sitting back down into the chair.

"What..happened..wait, where's Todoroki! Is he okay!? What about everyone else?" The realization hit like a bus, i threw myself up into a sitting position as i frantically looked around not realizing the pain.

"Izuku honey. Sit back and i'll explain.." she cooed as she tried pushing me back. I clenched my fist in frustration as I sat back and nodded.

"From what I know, a fight and robbery broke out at the market and you guys just so happened to be there. So you guys fought them off. I was called that you were in the hospital and I came as fast as I could, you've been out for two days and you broke a few ribs and your right wrist, fractured your right arm and pulled some leg muscles. Also some bruises and scratches." She took a pause. Looking me in the eyes and grabbing my hand giving it a small comforting squeeze

" he's alive but he's in a coma. He broke a few ribs as well as his left arm. Having a few fractures and a lot of burning on his chest and arms. His lungs are currently in need of breathing mask to help him breathe from the smoke he inhaled..and all of your friendsare okay just a few scratches but nothingtoo serious.." She started crying and I guess I didn't realize the tears running down my face either.

I couldn't believe it, no words were said even when I tried to speak. He saved me, he put his life up just to get me out of the way. Me. For me, it almost costed his life. The tears couldn't be helped as they fell like an actual waterfall, non stop and bluring my vision.

" guys seemed really close from what your friends had said, what does he mean to you.?"

I couldn't help the hiccups as I started to think, she doesn't really know I'm gay but its now or never.

"He..he was my crush..and he liked me back..i..i love him.." As gross as it is I wiped my tear stained and snotty face with my hospital gown. She grew silent, the sound of the heart monitor being the only loud noise in the room.


"He is a cutie." She giggled giving me a happy smile. "I love you no matter what Izuku, whoever you are or whoever you like." She leaned in caressing my face with her hand. I smiled back and nodded.

Knock knock

"Exuse us.." The familiar faces came to view. "..but may we come in?"

It was Kirishima, Kacchan, Jirou and Momo. Kirishima seemed to have some bandags around his arms and Kacchan with his hands along with some bands. Jirou and momo didn't seem to have any noticeable issues exceptsome bruising and bandags.

I turn to my mom and see her smile as she got up. "Yes, yes, of course! I'll go get everyone some snacks from the vending machines!" She waved them off and walked out.

Everyone pulled up chairs and sat down around me and we started chatting. Mostly about what happened, trying to avoid the end till it needed to be said.

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