Chapter 12

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Fuck guys I'm so sorry for not updating this.

Still Todoroki's POV

I walked into the kitchen leaving kirishima, confused and probably in a bit of shock. I know what I said was harsh but I meant every word of it. I know I want to see Midoriya, to see that beautiful, happy smile again but I can't seem to bring myself to actually go to him. Just the thought makes my heart throb of pain.

As I walked into the kitchen I saw Momo and Jirou. They were making sandwiches but then they heard me walking in. " I heard what happened are you all right?" Momo looked concerned. "Yeah I'm fine." I growled under my breath. I really didn't want them to know what was going on, or anyone for that matter but I guess that's just how it ended out. Their the only people I can trust at this point. "Are you sure Todoroki? You truly don't seem fine I know how much you like Midoriya but I just can't help but worry for, you know?" Momo smiled. Jirou nodded in agreement. I just nodded my head and went to the fridge to grab the water bottle and apple. I Closed the fridge and bit into the Apple.

I ignored the fact that Momo was the lecturing me on about eating 'real food' not just an apple. But I didn't really listen so I went to the elevator and click the button to my floor. "Wait!" A feminine voice yelled. I held the elevator doors open so they can get in. It was uraraka. She pressed the button to her floor before looking at me. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it. I heard the ding to the elevator, notifying it was my floor.

"Ya know..Deku always looked up to you.." she muttered sadly. What?. I looked at her, raising a brow of curiosity. "Yeah..he'd always go on an on about you when we would hangout. I'll admit, I did like him for a while..but when he told me that he liked you..I understood? I couldn't get upset. Then I fell for Tsuyu..but why can't you just, give him a chance?" She looked up at me, glossy eyed. I thought about it. Why can't I just give him a chance? I didn't understand why, is it because him scared he'll leave like everyone else? Or because I wouldn't be good enough? I yet again felt a familiar feeling but this was different. Not like the feeling of being jealous or depressed. More like a feeling like my heart was being wrenched and crushed. A deep pain that could only be described as what I believe would be called heart break. Her words broke me in a way.

The sound of the elevators ding snapped me out of my thoughts. A slight sign left Urakaka's mouth before saying. "Well just know, it was only a joke that was taken too far. He didn't mean to hurt you Todoroki.." she walked out of the elevator leaving me with my thoughts.

I walked to my dorm, thinking about what was just said. I wanted to be alone. As I approached my dorm I felt a vibration in the pocket of my sweatpants. I pulled out my phone to read a text from A-1 group chat . I wonder what that group wants. I open my texts:

Momo🌟: Hello everyone! How is everybody doing?

Mina💖: HEYO! I'm alright!

Denki⚡️: Yoooo I'm good!

Iida👟: Hello I am doing well

Tsuyu🐸: Hewo! Me and Urakaka are good:3

As I read these texts I walked into my dorm.

Tokoyami🦅: hi I'm alright

Midoriya💚: Hey guys. I'm okay

Kirishima🦈: yo! Midoriya how are you feeling!?

Midoriya💚: I said I'm doing okay just don't worry:)

Bakugou💥: bullshit, Seems sketchy Deku

Midoriya💚: I'm fine I promise!

Bakugou💥: Hm sure whatever

I knew he wasn't okay.


I see a seperate text from Momo.

Momo🌟: Todoroki I know your upset but please

Momo🌟: go to him? For me? And everyone else's sakes?

I knew I couldn't


Bakugou💥: You fucking bitch, you better to cheer that Deku up before I blast your face off

Todoroki🔥❄️: And why would you care? Your just a jerk to him so what gives you the right to tell me to cheer him up?

Bakugou💥: Your seriously that stupid? He loves you bastard. Even tho he's a Deku, Kirishima wants him to be happy again. He hasn't come out of his room all day and I want what kiri wants alright? So save us all and just apologize to him.

How does he love me?


Uraraka🎈: Hey I know what I said earlier but could you please take it into consideration?

But how?


Kirishima🦈 : Dude I know Ive said this a million times but I'm sorry just talk to him?

But what if I don't know what to say?
My throat went dry

Knock knock

It was a light knock but I could just barely hear it.

I went to the door

That slightly familiar feeling of happiness weighed on my chest for a moment before being replaced with sorrow.

Standing in front of me was a puffy eyed, crying Midoriya, hanging his head low refusing eye contact. Like a lost puppy

Before I could think my body reacted pulling the boy close to my chest, he instantly latched on. My shirt started soaking up.



Woooo that took a while to come out but I hope you guys enjoy:)

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