Chapter 10

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I apologize for having you guys wait for this chapter. I messed up and had to rewrite it, my bad! But enjoy

Midoriya's POV

I ran through the rather large house. Searching every door, closest, bathroom and every nook and cranny I could see/find. He was my full attention, he was all I could think about. I could only imagine how much pain he could have been in. Tho it was a joke knowing him I should have known but I didn't, I was too caught up In my own joke that I didn't realize.

I looked through everything but I couldn't find him. But I haven't looked outside so I ran out the front door and through the gates, trying to remember the way back to the dorms in the dark. I ran using 5% of my quirk to be faster. I know Todoroki wouldn't go back to his house even if he was forced to so the only other place would be the dorms. Or with his mother but I highly doubt that.

After the sports festival a while back and other trips the class has gone on, Todoroki and I have been getting closer. And now I understand why, why he wanted to hangout or talk. Was because I think he likes me..but how?? Why? Someone like me? A no good crybaby, that obsessed over heroes most of his life and was born without a quirk? Only being able to look up to them but finally got a chance to meet the number one hero that took him under his wing and saved him. And showed him what he could truly be. But he still didn't understand. Todoroki was flawless, perfect in every way but he possibly likes me?

I turned the corner to one of the streets. I saw him walking with his head down and his left side slightly steaming and his right had a slight frost over his arm. I slowed down as I came closer then to a sudden stop. Did he even want to see me? I shook the thought off and ran straight to him

I knocked him to the ground with a tight hug. He fell to his knees and we just sat there in silence for what felt like minuets. Tho my body started going through painful heat on my left and frost bite on my right; I didn't dare move. After a few more minutes of not moving I looked up at him.


I felt hot tears stream down my face as I hugged him closer. I felt my body starting to shift as I was picked up off the ground. With a tight hand around my waist and one on the back of my head my feet were gently placed on the ground again. "Midoriya..Please forgive me.." I heard him mutter before feeling a sharp pain in my head. Then blacking out.

Time skip:(

I woke up in my dorm with a pounding headache. The light from outside creeping through the window. I remembered last nights events and shot up. I groaned from the pain but fought through it. I looked at my alarm clock and saw neatly folded up note next to it with my dorm key on top. And a box of pain killers. I grabbed the note and unfolded it. It read:

'Midoriya, I'm sorry. I knocked you out last night and brought you to your dorm. I couldn't face you. It hurt to much. I understand if you want to be with kirishima. I can't make you happy like he can. But next time, don't lead me on just to drop me in the end. I got you pain killers if you get a headache and don't worry about telling everyone what happened. I already did.

- Todoroki'

My tears fell on the paper leaving wet marks. I crumbled it and threw it against the wall. Only for it to roll back. Fat, hot tears streamed down my face as I healed my face in my hands. The headache didn't make it any better. I felt so sorry I didn't want to hurt him. I didn't mean to 'lead him on' I still like- no I love him..

Plot twist?

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