Chapter 2

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Midoriya's POV

I saw him walk away. I felt sad that he wasn't with or even really near me anymore. After he pretty much saved me from kancchan. I guess I kinda have a small crush on him. Actually it's a big crush. I mean who wouldn't like him he's pretty much the hottest(in looks ahem..not his quirk..hah jokes) guy at UA! I can't help it..he's smart, has a awesome quirk, and hes just really talented.

"Hey Deku are you okay?" Uraraka Asked "yes Midoriya are you alright? Did Bakugou hurt you?" Iida asked. "Woah I didn't expect that from todoroki." Tsuyu said. "G-guys I'm fine! And yeah I didn't really expect it either.. i mean he did pretty much carry me today. He also.." I start to ramble on. "Midoriya your doing it again.." Tsuyu said. "Right sorry Asui." "She said to call her Tsuyu" Uraraka stepped in. "Right! Sorry!" I apologize.

"So Midoriya what did todoroki do to you this morning?" Iida asked. I then hear slight snickering from a few people. "Not like that you dirty minded teens!" Iida yells doing the hand thing. I went to start talking but Mr. Aizawa walked in with his yellow cocoon by his side.

We all dispersed from our big group and sat down in our seats. As I sat down I felt someone's eyes digging in the back of my head. Practically digging holes. But it doesn't feel like a bad thing..I shake it off and just go with it.

Eventually the bell rings for lunch and me, Uraraka, Tsuyu and Iida go off the the cafeteria together. We all sit down at our usual table and start some conversation. "So Deku what happened with you and todoroki?" Urakaka asked wiggling her eyebrows. I blushed at that. I mean they already know that I like todoroki but they don't need to tease me about it. "W-well He k-kinda picked me up a-and didn't let me go after a while..-" explained what happened and by the end the girls were fangirling and Iida definitely looked amused.

"WOAH! You might have a chance!" Urakaka yelled. "Shhhh! He might hear!" I shushed. "Well it definitely seems that way." Tsuyu muttered eating some of her rice. I heard her but didn't bother to say anything back.

Todoroki's POV

"Momo I don't like him.." I said for the millionth time. "Yes you do todoroki! Just admit it! You said he was cute and didn't mind carrying him! That must say something. I'm just trying to help your love life." Momo muttered the last part. But I heard it and so did jirou because She laughed, maybe a little too hard. "Pffttt!" Jirou spit out her food. "Todoroki? Interested in love? To be honest that seems almost impossible, no offense!"

"Uh huh sure. None taken" i sassed back. As I finished eating my soba I heard them placing nets on me. Probably about if we are gonna end up dating or something. My mind soon started drifting off somewhere. As in somewhere, it was what happened this morning. I couldn't help it something about him just drew me to him. His adorable smile, his green fluffy hair, his small yet muscular body..but that doesn't mean anything he's just a friend, right?

"Todoroki? Did you hear anything I said?" I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I turn and it was Momo. She sighed before staying, " I'm going to have a party this weekend since my parents aren't gonna be home on a business trip. They said it was okay to have guests over, so they I thought why not have some classmates come. And I don't want to be cooped up in a dorm all weekend. So are you in?" I thought about it for a second but realized I could get out of getting forced to seeing my dad but then I'd have to socialize with people..

So I told her I'd think about it and the bell rang. And we went off the class catching a few glimpses at Midoriya. He seemed flustered for some reason. And that familiar feeling of anger bubbled inside of me. But I shook it off and went to class.

Time skip to later (*'ω'*)

Class was really starting to get boring just listening to boring hero stuff. But I was finally saved by the bell.


"Finally" I muttered as I packed up my stuff. "H-hey Todoroki!" I heard a voice beside me. "Oh hello Midoriya. Is there something you need.?" I asked looking at the smaller male.
"W-well I wanted to know if your going to Momo's party?"
"Well I wasn't originally going to go."
"Oh..never mind then." He said in a sad tone and started walking away. He made my heart ache hearing him so sad.
"B-but is you want me to I'll go." Damnit I stuttered. He turned around and looked at me straight in the eyes with his usual smile. "R-really?" He questioned walking closer to me. "I mean yeah if you really want me there." I responded back. "Alright then! I-I was just wondering because I knew you w-weren't really a party person." His smile grew bigger. I got this warm feeling from him that made me smile.

"Yeah but I guess it'll be fun." I said slinging my backpack over my shoulder. We looked at each other for a second. And I never really realized how beautiful his eyes were till now. They were like green emeralds glitzing in the afternoon sun. With tints for light and dark greens. It was very beautiful. I felt my face warm up just looking at him.

Maybe I do have a crush on him..

"So would you like to walk to the dorms together?" I asked heading towards the door. "O-oh yeah! Right yeah!" He responded hoping towards me.

As we walked we started conversation till the last moment of parting. We said our goodbyes and I to be honest Missed his company but bared through it. I took out my keys and unlock my dorm and walked in. Plopping myself on the bed

The only thing I could think about was midoriya.

Lol sorry long chapter but I hope you guys enjoyed it!

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