Chapter 14

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Midoriyas POV

I awoke to the warmth of another; I felt slightly tight but muscular arms wrapped around me. I opened my eyes to be face to face with Todoroki's chest, he's breathing was calm and slow. I watched for a bit as his chest rose and fell slowly, my face started to heat up. I couldn't help but stare at him, he looked so calm and collected. Over the time I've known him I've observed that hes not always cool like people seem. But in his sleeping state he was perfectly fine.

I looked over at the time and it was around seven in the morning which is around normal for me on the weekends but I guess not for him; I sat their for a few minutes watching the minutes on my clock go by till I remembered last night. My chest started to hurt slightly at the thought of me not making this choice. I remember how I couldn't stop crying and the hot, salty tears kept flowing until I physically could not out of dehydration then I went to see him, only for me to break down in tears again.

I felt my eyes start to water again, crap! No, no, no! Not now! What if he wakes up and sees me crying like a baby! I thought trying to move my arm out of his tight hold to wipe my face. I sniffled a few times then I heard the sheets shuffle and todoroki move. My hand gripped his side, he can't see me like this.. I whispered slightly

"Mm.." he groaned "Izuku? Are you..crying?" He whispered sweetly opening his eyes to see me. I just whimpered slightly in response.
" Why are you crying? Did I do something?? I'm sorry izuku.."
He sat up pulling me onto his lap, he put a gentle hand against my cheek, wiping the tears away. I blushed slightly and leaned into his touch.
" I- I'm okay I'm just.." I started to trail off. "Your what? to me" He looked me in the eyes kindly. I felt the streams of tears roll down my face as I barred my face into his chest. "I'm sorry!.." I cried repeatedly hiccuping slightly in between sobs.

"Shhh..its okay it's not your fault-" I cut him off " yes it was! I decided to do a stupidity joke to make you jealous and it backfired! I'm so sorry todoroki.." he pulled my face up and pecked my lips softly, he pulled away and looked at my flushed face. He was quite for a second before saying,
" Its..okay I forgive you because I know that you seem to genuinely care about me and how I felt about.. everything.." he glanced to the wall then back to my eyes, ""

          "I love you.."

" I know were not dating..yet but izuku..I love you..and after what I did and how I left you..I won't do it again.." his voice cracked at the end, small tears roll down is face. Which makes me cry even more, being happy and both sad. "I love you too and it's not your fault none of it was it was all me!" I cried even harder.

After a few hours or crying we eventually fell bad asleep, I'm each other's arms, happily.

Not the end! And I am so so so so so so sorry for not updating and making people upset! I've been busy with my personal life and haven't been active on wattpad as much:( but I'm working on it and I hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thank you guys so much for all the support and love<3

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