Chapter 4

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Midoriya's POV

Crap! I'm gonna be late!

I was working on some hero work and totally forgot about the party! I had a green hoodie on that had a black stripe horizontally in the middle and on the sleeves with a thin white line beneath it. And a pair of dark blue ripped jeans. Along with my classic red shoes to tie the outfit together.

I was running like twenty minutes late! How could I forget I mean, Urakaka and Iida kept reminding me. But I still forgot. I was running to Momo's parents house (since we have dorms etc you get the point) It wasn't that far from the UA dorms but still would take a while to get there. I finally made in about ten minutes. It would take about half an hour to get there by walking but I ran.

I caught my breath then knocked on the door waiting to be let in. A few seconds passed, then I heard the door unlock. The door opened and I was met with Todorokis beautiful bicolored eyes. I immediately felt my face heat up. "Look who finally made it. I almost got worried that I came to this party for nothing." Todoroki said calmly. Muttering the last part but I heard it. "O-oh yeah. I was um busy and k-kinda forgot." I nervously fiddled with my hands. "Don't worry about it Midoriya." He reached for my hand pulling me inside. "O-okay But um are you sure-" before i could finish I felt someone wrap their arm around my neck. "Hey Deku! I thought you weren't coming since you were so late!" Urakaka yelled in my ear and over some music.

"Oh yeah sorry.." I chuckled. "Hey Todoroki! Mind if I take him?" Urakaka asked jumping on her tippy toes in excitement. He looked a bit sad but nodded slowly. "Great! Thanks!" She pulled me away, to be honest I was a bit sad. I like talking to Todoroki. I mean he's my crush after all! But seeing that look of disappointment on his face when she took me away was heartbreaking. But I shook it off as Urakaka sat me down with the group. (Midoriya, Iida, Urakaka and Tsuyu) "Ya know Urakaka. You didn't have to just take him like that, ribbit." Tsuyu said giving her a slight smile. "I know, I know but I'm just doing THEM a favor!" She responded back.
"Yes Urakaka I agree with Tsuyu. But who's 'them'?" Iida questioned. " THEM is my ship! Midoriya and Todoroki! I'm just trying to make Half n' half over make his move. Because SOMEBODY won't do it first!" She huffed looking at me. "It's not my fault!" I defended.
"He probably likes girls I mean he hangs out with Momo and Jirou a lot. And yes they are lesbians but still!"

The argument went on and on still I decided I'd had enough and calmly got up and walked away. I heard them yelling at me to come back but I was a bit angry at them. I can do what I want with my love life. I know their just trying to help but I can do it, slowly but surely. I ended up walking into the kitchen where Bakugou and kirishima were making out. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a Dr. Pepper off the counter where all the other drinks were. I looked around and found a seat. I opened the drink and took a sip. I looked around to see couples having a good time with other couples and friends. I then leaned back on the chair taking a deep breath before releasing. I calmed down a bit before walking back to me group.

The apologized and I obviously forgave them. We started a but of small talk before the music got turned down. "Excuse me!" I heard a feminine voice. It was Mina and Momo. "I have a game I think everyone would like to play! The game is...drum roll please!" Mina did a mimic of drumming with her fingers. "Truth. Or dare!" She yelled jumping in the air. There were 'yeah's and groans. "Okay okay you don't HAVE to play. But it would be fun! So if you want to play form a circle!" Momo yelled sitting down. Urakaka pulled me and Tsuyu up and dragged us to the circle. Obviously Iida wouldn't want to play so he stayed seated.

The only people who didn't sit down were: Iida , tokoyami, shouji, and satou . Ojiro didn't show up because family stuff. And kouda ended up leaving because he got a bit too nervous. So it was only me, Mina, Hagakure, Tsuyu, Urakaka, Denki, Sero, kirishima, Bakugou, Momo, jirou, and Todoroki. (Mineta is there because no one respects him as a human being. Rip Mineta) and with the other people who didn't want to play. They decided to do their own thing or watch.

I sat down with Urakaka on my left and Mina on my right. With that the game of truth or dare started.

I'll explain how they plays the game in the next chapter just bare with me. I hope you guys enjoy so far tho!

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