chapter 16

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I hope everyone  Is doing well. I hope you guys enjoy this new chapter :)

Todoroki's POV

Our hands slightly grazed as we walked out the door, I felt a slight heat come to my cheeks but I brushed it off. I looked down to Midoriya his face was a light shade of pink but he kept smiling, which I'm not surprised.

"Okay guys! So there's this really nice cafe downtown next to the ocean which has beautiful scenery and interesting shops. If you guys wanted to-" Bakugou cut Momo off with a slight but loud groan. "Do you remember what the hell I said before Icythot showed up Ponytail?" Bakugou snarled, Kirishima giggled but nudged him playfully. She signed and continued, "yes I do remember, you said to just do what we wanted because we invited you." There was a pause of silence before I stepped in.
"Heh wow Bakubitch was actually being considerate? Never would have thought..." I couldn't help but laugh at my own statement, laughter filled the group with the exception of the pissed off pomeranian.

Kirishima calmly took his hand into Bakugous which seemed to almost instantly calm his nerves, it was interesting but I could help but feel a little jealous. Interesting in that Kirishima really has an affect on Bakugou even tho hes a dick, he can calm and sooth him with the slightest touch. (I want to point out now, dont attack me but in my opinion I believe that Bakugou is a top and kiri is a bottom but I could see them switching) I was also jealous at the fact that he could hold his hand, I want to do that with Midoriya but I dont want to push things and make him uncomfortable.

"Hah it's just called respect my dude! Yeah katsuki may be a bit of a hot head but he's not a total jerk, he has a heart too!" Kirishima smiled a toothy grin as he leaned back to punch my shoulder (in his Kirishima bro like way) Midoriya let out held back laughter in which caused the aready pissed off pomeranian to become a very pissed off pomeranian. "Fuckin Deku!" He turned around yelling with small sparks igniting from his right palm. Instinctively I pulled Midoriya behind me getting ready to use my ice. "Ahem, we are in public! I think we should just- oh look were here!" Momo pulled out her mom voice slightly but with her usual smile. Kirishima dragged Bakugou away for a second before anything bad could happen saying 'he'd take care of it and just get a table'. And so Momo got a table and we all sat down for the excepting of the two.

"Are you alright?" I turned facing the precious boy next to me. "Mhm! Thanks to you." He smiled, which caused my heart to practically melt. I smiled back. "Of course, I wouldn't- no couldn't let anyone hurt you."
His faced grew a pink, red tinge. "Awhhh aren't you guys cute!" Momo practically fangirled as Jirou laughed but agreed. We both looked off to the side out of embarrassment, I wanted to say yes but I think he was already uncomfortable with it. Even though I know he has the same feeling for me as I do him I couldn't help but feel an indescribable feeling. As though it was like a fairytale and a plot twist would ruin everything I thought but I tried to ignore it.

After maybe five more minutes the two came back, Bakugou looking more calm and relaxed and Kirishima with his usual smile plastered on his face.

I look around the place finally realizing how interesting it looked, it was a traditional looking cafe (for Japanese culture, if you look up Café Coûwa japanese cafes that's mostly my inspiration with a few details of my own) it was a very comfortable place, it had areas for studying with books along a few shelves, wooden tables and chairs, a couch in a windowed area to the outside where you could see a few table settings outside if you wanted. Plants and random knick knacks placed on shelves against walls. Over all it seemed really nice.

After a little while had passed Momo ordered a few pastries consisting of mostly cakes. She ordered something that she assumed Bakugou and Kirishima would like because they dont have a keen eye for sweets as they do something spicy or meaty. I dont mind sweets personally i'm not too picky when it comes to it. Momo already knew that. But seeing the  precious look in Midoriyas eyes when she brought it up was too adorable. Yes he likes savoury foods but he loves sweets especially ones with a more richer flavor, that is well what I had noticed about him (I dont know if what I'm saying is true or cannon to the character so correct me if I'm wrong! But I'm just making up what I think.)

After talking, joking and all that jazz the food eventually came, she had gotten, (I apologize in advance, you might get hungry and might have to look some of these up, I'm sorry )
Strawberry, chocolate and Matcha swiss rolls, Ichigo Daifuku, and Imagawayaki. For the other two she ordered spicy ramen for pomeranian and some Yakitori for Kirishima. "Momo I-" she cut me off beforeI could even start. "No todoroki, it's my treat! Just enjoy yourself." She whispered back, she always knows what I'm going to say. This has happened before but she refuses to even let me pay my part, I look over to Midoriya before just excepting it. I didn't want to worry about it but I'll probably talk to her about it later.

Everyone said their thanks to Momo for this 'being her treat' and got to eating. I know it might sound stalker ish but I couldn't help but look at Midoriya as he ate, he just looked happy? If that's the right word? As known I'm not usually one to smile but I couldn't help it around him; my usual cold and in other words dull expression usually never gets phased but after the sports festival a while back, that first moment he really made in impact on me and I guess we've been good friends ever since;

He caught me staring and at first he flustered up for a moment before flashing me his sweet smile. I brought my hand up and patted his soft curls before bringing my hand down to his cheek. He flustered up, which only made me give a small smirk before wiping the little bit of chocolate near the corner of his mouth. As I pulled away my hand he brought his hands up to hide his face from embarrassment, I chucked at this which caught the others attention.

"What the fuck did you do to him?" Bakugou cursed putting on his signature scowl. "Heh he'll be fine." I chuckled not even trying to make a snarky remark back, which surprisingly he just shrugged off. On the other hand Jirou giggled. I looked over and Momo was confused. "Hah that was smooth." She said bringing her hand up for a high five which I accepted and high fived her back. We nodded to one another keeping my- well our little moment to acknowlegement.

After a little while longer of more talking but mostly eating passed, Momo paid and we finally left to the Ocean area that we, mostly the girls wanted to venture to. As we walked out the doors I felt something warm suddenly connect with my hand. I look and it was him, Midoriyas unforgettable emerald green eyes stood out has his practically red face grew a wide smile. Something in me just dissapeared as a smiled back, but this smile was different.

It was a teeth showing smile. I usually just 'smirk' or barely open my mouth, but this was a smile that pretty much no one has seen. (I didn't know how else to phrase it but you get what I mean, maybe)

His grip on my hand in his tightened slightly at it as we caught up with the group and went off to our next location.

Heyyyy I hope you guys liked this new chapter! It took a little longer because I had actually researched information. I'm also sorry if this chapter was or seemed a bit boring
I'm trying to get more into that author mind set when writing these bit it's hard to write without Inspiration but in other words I hope you guys liked it:)

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