Chapter 11

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Todoroki's POV (to switch it up for a bit)

I laid there. In my dorm in complete silence, the only sounds that could be heard was the muffled sounds from outside and my breathing. I was filled with dread, I couldn't imagine what was running through Midoriya's head. Or anything he was feeling for that matter.

I wanted to be with him, I wanted to hug him and cuddle him and make all the pain go away. I wanted to kiss him and tell him..that I love him..but I couldn't help but feel the pain in my chest, just thinking about him. I just wish he felt the same. But no, he had to have feelings for the one person that didn't even like him back. Kirishima. I know I sounds selfish, I know kirishima is a good person at heart but I think him and Bakugou had something going on. But I suppose I was wrong. Or maybe I'm not. They said it was 'just a joke'. So is that all I am? A joke?

I rolled on my back, starting up at the ceiling. My mind went blank. And all I could feel was warm tears rolling down my face. I was crying. But for what reason?

Knock knock

I couldn't bring myself to get up or make a sound. "Hey Todoroki. It's me, Momo and Kyoka! Can we come In..?" I heard Her yell. But I didn't make a sound. I heard the doorknob move and then a shine of light peak through the door from the hall into my dark room. "Hey..I heard what happened from Kyoka. I would have came last night to check on you but..I was busy dealing with Bakugou. He's kinda, well he IS pissed at you about what happened to Midoriya And I'm sorry..." Momo mumbled scooting closer with caution. I felt more tears well up in my eyes. I've been off and on crying all night, and didn't get any sleep.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head slightly to see Momo with her hair down and Jirou by her side. I lunged at her, and wrapped her into a tight hug, Sobbing on her shoulder. I felt not just her arms but also Jirou's arms around me into a light, comforting hug back. I didn't realize how much I needed a hug till now. She's always Been there for me, even as a child. She some how under stood how to break down my walls.

But recently, the only other person who could do that, was Midoriya..

Time skip to around noon ish

Momo and jirou dragged me down stairs, after hours of crying and side conversations. She said I 'needed to eat something'. So I agreed since I was a bit hungry. We walked out of the elevator and it was quite, A little too quiet. Usually Denki, Sero and Mina are playing a game down here with some other people and making a lot of noise but they were just watching mostly kirishima and Bakugou play The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the wild. In complete and utter silence. I got a few side looks from a few of them till Kirishima got up and handed the controller to Bakugou. Whispering something in his ear before walking towards me.

"Hey.." He said giving a small toothy smile, like usual Kirishima. For some reason I didn't feel hate to him at the moment. I hummed in response to show I heard. "Can I talk to him in private?" He looked at Momo and Jirou. They nodded and walked into the kitchen area, leaving me and Kirishima alone. He looked slightly up at me, "Um first, I'm sorry. It really was a joke I didn't know that you'd be so protective other him and get jealous like you did." He fiddled with his hands. "And I know it's no exception but..please don't blame it on him was my fault, I kept the 'joke' going and didn't know when to stop. Also I don't like Midoriya like that he's a bro to me!Also I'm very much in love with Kat- Bakugo if that wasn't obvious. But he does truly like you I swear!" His eyes filled with sorrow as he shook my shoulders.

I wouldn't- no, I couldn't believe him. He made me think all theses things, but could I actually trust Kirishima? Or is this apart of that stupid 'joke'? I felt that familiar feeling of depression and anger, as I lightly took his hands off me. He looked confused till I finally spoke.

"If he truly 'likes' me then he'd tell me himself. So I'm not gonna believe what anyone says, till I get the truth from him in person."

It's been some time since I updated this. I hope you guys enjoyed this emotional roller coaster;)

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