Chapter 9

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This chapter is a bit short but I hope you enjoy anyways:)


I look to see who it was.

It was Momo. She gave me an apologetic look.  As if she was sorry about how Todoroki was acting. I gave her a reassuring smile as I turned to kirishima. He looked a bit scared. But definitely not as much as before. I felt some shoving on my chest and looked back at Todoroki.

His hands were on my chest, eyes locked in a ferocious glare as he was beyond mad. "Move Midoriya." Todoroki commanded as he pushed forward. I shook my head. "No, you can't hurt him!" He finally looked at me. His usual cold face was full of anger and he was clearly frustrated. It shocked me a little, I've never seen this side before, I mean yeah he's given his father a bad look and some other people but never like this. It was quite intimidating but I knew I couldn't back down. "Midoriya I'm not gonna say it again." He growled, towering over me. "You can't hurt kirishima! His your friend, it was all a joke!" I heard Urakaka yell as she was back with more people.

He paused and looked at her. "So all this was just a joke?" He muttered. "Yeah! But I'm-" Urakaka started before being cut off. "It was just a joke to toy and play with my feelings?" Once he said that everything and everyone was quiet. I looked up at him.

"Does that seem like a joke to you?"

He questioned. "I-I-I'm So s-sorry.." Urakaka stuttered as she started to cry. A few other people walked over to her, to comfort her. When I looked around Todoroki was walking off. I wanted to go after him but I couldn't just leave Urakaka, she's my best friend! I felt patting on my knee, it was none other then Urakaka. "What? What is it?" I questioned leaning in. She pointed in the direction Todoroki ran off to before saying. "G-go to h-him...p-please." I nodded before starting to run off.

But before I made it far I heard a feminine voice. "Midoriya! Wait!" It was Momo with kirishima and Kancchan next to her. "What's up?" I asked jogging back. "Be careful. He's very emotional right now. Also Kirishima and Bakugou have something to say." She stepped away. "I'm real sorry Midoriya. I didn't mean to push it." Kirishima apologized. "Hey it's fine! Don't worry!" I reassured. "NERD! Don't do some dumb shit like half n' half did! And make sure that fucker doesn't do shit to Eji like that again!" Kancchan yelled in anger. "But, go get him!" Kirishima added. I nodded before running off.

I need to find him.

Small cliffhanger(^-^)

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