Chapter 21

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The moment has come. Tw, mention of death and or accidents:)


"You can do it Midoriya."

I stepped in.


I listen as the heart monitor kept a slow, even, pace. The sound of the  mask over his mouth had a gentle hum yet held so much more.

I let out a deep breath i was holding and look up from my feet.

I scan the room for a brief moment before my eyes finally land on Todoroki.

Even though he was covered in bruises and bandages, casts and bandaids, burns and scars, he looked at peace for someone who has been through so much pain.

(Quick little note, September is suicide prevention month and if you are going through something my Dm's are always open. You should not feel like you are alone, its been a whole year since my first, almost attempt and I've been maybe a month clean. Depression is not a joke, it's literally life taking. So please if you can't live for yourself live for me. Because I love you)

I watched his chest rise and fall to the monitor but I couldn't bring myself to move. He was an actual mess; from head to toe he had at least some sort of injury. And yet the guilt still weighed heavy.

" he..what you expected?" Ms.Tibo came to my side with a side tilt. I opened my mouth to speak but only to feel a tear dribble down my cheek.

"Oh honey, come here.." She opened her arms wide pulling me into a tight mama bear hug, embrace. My head in her chest as the tears started to fall like a light rain. Silent but held a storm.

She cooed me motherly words and ruffled my fluff of hair. Assumingly using her quirk to help me calm down. Which of course worked as i was about to compose myself once again.

"Are you going to get closer..?" She playful nudged me towards him, I dragged my legs to the side of his bed, grabbing the hospital bed frame i scooted closer to him until i was next to the side of his face.

I stood in awe as I scanned his body seeing all of it up close; his bicolor hair was messy and un kept. I moved my hand up as I fixed it, making the signature half, half.

I dug my other hand into my pocket and pulled out the keychains, placing his side in his hand gently.

"Would you like a minute?" Ms.Tibo's  delicate voice spoke, i could only muster up a nodded not trusting my voice. I heard the door creak and then it shut carefully.

I  kneeled down and gently leaned my head against his chet, just barely hearing his heart beat. It was soft and delicate, his chest going up and down against my face.

I backed up from him and pulled over a chair, sitting down next to the hospital bed. I slipped my hand into his, the one with the keychain. His hand was warm, assumingly so because it was his left side.

It was silent, for the exception of his breathing mask and his heart monitor but none the less, sounded as silent as a cold night. Although, I guess that more reflected on how I felt, I felt cold without his warmth, I felt quite without his presents. I guess most of all, empty without his light, its sorta cliche but thats it.

I gently ran my opposite had down his upper cheek bone to his jawline, he's always been quite skinny for a teenage boy but he makes up for it in being muscular. I haven't worked out in a while huh? I've just been waiting.

I hear the door click and Ms. Tibo is there with her clipboard and a small smile spread across her face.
"Hey, Midoriya. How do you feel? I hope that was enough time." She sat criss-cross on the floor looking up at me. I found it quite childish in a motherly way.

"Yeah, kinda, I guess its just...not fully settled in yet that he probably won't wake up for another few weeks to a month." I sighed.

"Oh no, I totally get it. There someone you love, of course." She seemed to hesitate.

"Um..I have a small question.." I had this thought that lingered around my mind for a while now but didn't have the confidence to ask about it, till now.

"Yes hon?"

"W-well, you always bring up your daughter..and I hope this isn't crossing a line but..what about your husband? O-or wife?" I felt my cheeks heat up, u was nervous that she'd get mad.

She took a pause, looking at me before looking at Todoroki. She sighed but put on her shining smile.
"He..he was a complicated man, it was love at first but then became greed. Overwhelmed by becoming something more which ended..not so well. He had got in an accident before our daughter was born which well ended his life. I was going to cut him off anyways but I knew he didn't deserve death, he always wanted a daughter. No matter how greedy he was he was still sweet, even when he had his moments; but none the less I've learned to love on from that! And me and my daughter are as happy as can be!"

I didnt know what to say, I was speechless. It was a short silence, before she decided to break it. "Awkward huh? Well there's no need to feel any pitty, he's in a better place now and I guess you could say that in another accident, I've gained another kid." She pulled herself up and lightly punched me on the shoulder; "and that's all of you, all you kiddos who come in and change my life."

We laughed before she offered me a hand. "I think that's enough emotion for today, why don't we go get lunch yeah? You can visit him again we get back! And I'll take you to see him everyday if you want! How does that sound?" I laughed again and nodded.

Before leaving i couldn't help but look back at Todoroki, I clenched my fist before relaxing and walking out the door.

As we left Ms. Tibo left a small note at the door. I didn't know what it said but maybe you'd know;

It read:

Leave the keychain in the room, its from his certain someone. Maybe it'll help him get better:)

- Ciara Tibo.

"Hey Midoriya, do you think the desk worker has the hots for me? She's pretty cute and she keeps eyin me when I walk by!"

"I mean..probably." I put my hands in my pockets. And looked out the window, seeing the fall breeze wisp away a leaf.

Its been done! I did it! I finally finished the chapter! I'm genuinely proud of myself! I hope you guys enjoy this short chapter with a rollercoaster of emotions and character development!!

Let me know how you guys feel about it and go check out my MHA book of Oneshots. (Self promo? Yes) but thank you guys for the patience for this chapter I greatly appreciate it!

Also Ms. Tibo is a small side character that i made up and everyone loves her, so let me know if you guys would want to know more about this motherly figure. (I wanted to put one in for support)

Love you guys! -Skullz

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